Page 37 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 37

mountaintops, they explained that we are   be solved, but that it can be transcended.
      the furthest settlement in Judea – where   The power of these mountains to challenge
      the world stands most against us. And if this   and inspire is nothing short of divine.
      is where the world stands against us, they
      explained, then this is where they wanted   It  was  from  these  mountains  that  King
      to stand with us.                    David, while fleeing from King Saul,
                                           composed Tehillim and taught the world
      I’ll never forget the moment when I   to pray. It was from these mountains that
      witnessed our Arab workers, descendants of   the prophets of Israel shared their message
      Yishmael, harmoniously working together   of love, prayer, and hope. And with Hashem’s
      with our German volunteers, descendants   help, it will be from these mountains that
      of Esav, to build a Beit Knesset for Jews in   we will fulfill our mission of restoring Judea
      Judea. That was a moment in which a great   to its rightful place as a global destination
      evil of our history became a great blessing.   for spirituality and transcendence.
      That, too, was a moment of redemption.
                                           Rav Kook explains that now, in our times,
      Transformative mountains             when we say the words VeTechezena Eineinu
                                           Beshuvcha LeTzion BeRachamim, “May our
      For too long, young Jews from around the   eyes see Your return to Zion in mercy”, in
      world have flocked to ashrams in India   the Amidah, we are not asking G-d to let us
      seeking an authentic spiritual encounter –   one day see the future redemption. We are
      not knowing that the deepest, richest, and   asking Him to give us the eyes to see that it
      most profound spiritual legacy is right here   is happening now!
      in the heart of their own homeland, in the
      ancient hills of Judea.              Because it is. But don’t take my word for
                                           it – come out to the Judean frontier and
      Over the years I have witnessed the   experience it for yourself. Whether you live
      extraordinary power of these mountains to   in Israel or abroad, it would be our honor to
      pierce the most calloused hearts, shattering
      the barriers of cynicism that so many of us   host you at Arugot Farm and introduce you
      harbor.                              to the holiness and beauty of Judea – to your
                                           very own taste of redemption.
      I have seen yeshivah students realize that we
      are not just the people of the book but also
      the people of the land – and that they, too,   Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel, along with
      can play a central role in carrying the story   their partners Roni Moshe and Yossi Leavitt, are
      of the Jewish people forward. And I have   co-founders of the Arugot Farm and retreat center
      seen left-wing activists who realize that   in Southeastern Judea. Learn more about Arugot
      the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may never   Farm at

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