Page 32 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 32

Doña Gracia Nasi:

    Chaya Sara                                             a 16th Century Religious Zionist

                                                                    At the age of eighteen, Beatrice de Luna married her
                                                                    uncle, Francisco Mendes-Benveniste – the most prominent
                                                                    merchant in Lisbon and the undercover rabbi of the converso
                                                                    community.  But the  marriage  between  Beatrice  and                   A map of Ferrara, c.1600. (PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
                                                                    Francisco was short lived. Francisco died in 1535, leaving
                                                                    Beatrice and their young daughter, Ana, behind. According
                                                                    to Francisco’s will, he divided his fortune between Beatrice
                                                                    and his brother, Diogo Mendes. Overnight, Beatrice Mendes
                                                                    became one of the wealthiest women in the world. At the
                                                                    age of 25, it became her responsibility to take over the
                                                                    commercial pursuits and covert religious responsibilities
                                                                    of her deceased husband.

                                                                    Diogo Mendes relocated to Antwerp, the leading financial
                                                                    center in Europe, where Beatrice, Ana, and Beatrice’s
                                                                    sister Brianda soon joined him. As Antwerp was under
                                                                    the jurisdiction of Spain, Beatrice and her family were
                                                                    still forced to live as crypto-Jews for fear of being caught
                                                                    by the Inquisition. Nevertheless, she began to use her
                                                                    resources to design an underground network that helped
                                                                    hundreds of crypto-Jews flee Spain and Portugal. The
                                                                    Mendes family business owned trading ships that traveled
                                                                    between Lisbon and Antwerp, and soon enough these ships
                                                                    were carrying Jewish fugitives in addition to spices and
                                          (PHOTO: BRONZINO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
                                                                    bullion. Once the crypto-Jews arrived in Antwerp, Beatrice
                                                                    provided instructions and money to cross the treacherous
                          y the mid-1500s, most of the world knew her name:
                          Doña Gracia Nasi, a veritable Woman of Valor and   range of the Alps to the port city of Venice. From there,
                          an unapologetic Jew who utilized her vast wealth   transportation was arranged to bring them to the Ottoman
                   Bon behalf of her nation. As a businesswoman, she   Empire – including the holy land of Israel.
                   managed an enormous company of trading ships that sailed   Beatrice, the steward of immense wealth, was now a target.
                   across the globe, carrying spices, silver, and Jews fleeing   Claims of Judaizing were brought against her dead husband
                   the Spanish Inquisition. Doña Gracia defied expectations   Francisco Mendes in the hopes of draining Beatrice of her
                   by living openly as a Jew while dressed at the height of   money, and she was forced to pay a large bribe to the Holy
                   contemporary fashion, confronting kings, emperors, popes,   Roman Emperor Charles V. Considering the many suitors,
                   and sultans to advance the causes of the Jewish people.  who, with an eye to the family’s affluence, aggressively
                                                                    sought to marry Ana, Beatrice decided to relocate to Venice
                   Doña Gracia Nasi was born Beatrice de Luna in about 1510
                   in Lisbon, Portugal to a family of affluent crypto-Jews who   in 1544. The family did not live in the Jewish ghetto, and
                   had fled the Spanish Inquisition. However, even in Portugal,   instead maintained a Catholic pretense while living among
                   the family was forced to convert to Catholicism along with   the upper class along the Grand Canal.
                   many others in 1497. As conversos, her family maintained an   Beatrice relocated to Ferrara in 1549 where the ruler, Ercole
                   outward Catholic façade while secretly practicing Jewish   II, Duke of Este, hoped to bring the commercial assets of
                   tradition. Conversos generally possessed two sets of names:   the Mendes family to his city. Ferrara was home to a large
                   their Christian names (which were given after baptism)   Sefardic community that consisted of many ex-conversos
                   and their Jewish names (if they maintained that identity   from the Iberian Peninsula. For the first time, Beatrice
                   in private). At home, Beatrice was known as Gracia, the   and her family could live openly as Jews. In Ferrara,
                   Iberian equivalent of the Hebrew name Chana.     Beatrice assumed her Jewish name: Doña Gracia Nasi.

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