Page 27 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 27

FemForward’s first cohort (PHOTO: FEMFORWARD)

      real cultural shift within our religious community. Yes, I
      love my kids and will always be there for them, but that
      doesn’t mean I can’t grow my career at the same time.
      I spoke about the situation with Fleur Hassan-Nahoum,
      my mentor at FemForward, who suggested I speak with
      my manager’s manager – which is exactly what I did. I
      pitched him on why I believed I was the right person to
      lead our new team in Europe and Asia. I also went to the
      Chief Growth Officer and made a presentation. They were
      both very pleased, and I got the promotion a week later,
      which was very exciting.
      I finished the FemForward course about a year ago, and
      I’ve shifted from being an individual contributor to now
      managing a team of eight people and have more than
      doubled my previous salary. It’s fair to say that the program   Allie and her mentor, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.
      worked exactly as it was designed to!
      It’s incredible that your mentor at FemForward was   she has a beautiful family, she’s a mom of four kids, and
      none other than Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, the Deputy   also has an incredible career.
      Mayor of Jerusalem in charge of foreign relations,
      international economic development and tourism –   What advice would you give to other young women
      and a fellow olah. What was it like to bond with Fleur   making Aliyah who are interested in working in tech?
      and learn from her?                               Have an open mind. If you were working in a different field
      Having one-on-one time with Fleur was incredible. Fleur is   in the Diaspora, you may have to start at a lower level in
      a well-known figure in Jerusalem and so I’d known about   Israeli high-tech in order to get your foot in the door. Just
      her for some time. She is so confident, very direct and she   start with something, and it should lead to opportunities.
      can hold her own in a room full of high-powered men; she   There are so many high-tech companies in Israel who are
      knows what to do so that her voice is heard.      looking to grow extremely rapidly; there are companies
                                                        hiring a hundred people in one year. There are many
      OurCrowd is a very male-dominated company on the   opportunities for growth and professional development,
      management level, and Fleur gave me a lot of tips on how   so if you really want to grow your career, high-tech in Israel
      to present myself and make sure my voice would be heard
      with a very male culture. We’re still in touch and go out for   is a great place to do it.  n
      coffee once in a while. She’s someone I really look up to;

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