Page 23 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 23

council together with a group of dynamic people and I was   The many roles that I play inform each other and enlighten
      excited to be a part of the growth of the community and   all of my work.
      Eretz Yisrael. Together with the other dedicated leaders
      of the city council and many strategic partners, we built   What advice can you offer to new olim who want to be
      dozens of new projects, including 100 new homes, a pool   a part of broader Israeli society?
      and four parks, and we are raising funds for a new youth
      center.                                           Go for it! You will be offered opportunities every day. Join
                                                        committees in your synagogue, city, and your children’s
                                                        schools, and dive into the joys of communal work. Instead
      How do you balance being the mayor with your career
      as a chaplain and your family responsibilities?   of feeling self-conscious about your accent, remember that
                                                        a broad smile can compensate for your lack of vocabulary!
      The values of my job, my community, and my family all   We are all in the same boat – most Jews in Israel are either
      overlap. I am dedicated to all of these roles as each is an   immigrants themselves or the children and grandchildren
      expression of my values. That being said, it is always a   of immigrants. Bring your unique identity and wealth of
      challenge to balance my day-to-day responsibilities, and I   knowledge and share it with Medinat Yisrael!  n
      hope and pray that I can hold it all together! Recently, I was
      invited to a conference on aging from the municipality and
      this presented another opportunity for me to synthesize
      my entire life as a mother, daughter, chaplain, and mayor.

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