Page 21 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 21

drugs. Since then, I’ve gotten to know that painful and chal-  While I was at Bat Ami, I continued dealing with mental
      lenging world. I discovered a world that was psychologically,   health. I mentored families, I took part in discussions,
      therapeutically, and medically deficient. After he became   and I didn’t let up for a second. I also founded Emunatecha,
      addicted, he also suffered from mental illness, and then I   an organization that mentors families with multiple ill-
      encountered a whole world of discrimination on the basis   nesses, because those people don’t receive the treatment
      of illness, stigma, and prejudice, both in the community   they should and they get thrown around from one place to
      and society, and even among professionals. Most of all,   another and from one ministry to another like a hot potato.
      I discovered a world full of pain and neglect, not only of
      families and victims, but also of the system. You expect the
      government to deal with these things, but then you discover  THE KNESSET
      that even the system suffers from a stigma.      I think it’s an important place where we make decisions and
      The case we had in our family was incredibly painful. If   determine the character of the State of Israel. It’s not easy
      they’d treated my cousin in time and taken care of him, if   work. It’s not just how many times you were in the plenum
      there hadn’t been a stigma and the boy had gotten treat-  or the different committees, but all the work around the
      ment, if there had been enough therapists and services   clock that comes with the job.
      available, he could have grown up while dealing with his
      addiction and lived a good, meaningful life. Since it wasn’t   A PUBLIC SERVANT
      treated as it should have been early on, he disappeared from
      our lives, and his illness grew worse and worse.  Shabbat is an ingenious invention. I disconnect from every-
                                                       thing and focus on goodness. When I pray every morning,
      I decided that helping others with addiction and mental
      health struggles would be my mission in life.    every day, I turn to G-d; I remind myself not to become
                                                       arrogant, and to remain true to my values. When I encoun-
                                                       ter complicated and difficult situations, it’s not simple or
      GIVAT SHMUEL                                     easy, but I deal with my frustration and disappointment by
                                                       keeping the larger public in mind and remembering that at
      After I was asked to run, I was elected to the Givat Shmuel   the end of the day, I’m just a shlichah (messenger).
      city council. I held the city’s welfare portfolio, and I was   As of now, I don’t regret choosing this path.
      chairwoman of the Committee on Drugs and Alcohol for
      five years. It was very meaningful work.
                                                       WHO IS MICHAL WALDIGER?

      BAT AMI                                          I love people. I’m self aware; I know my strengths and weak-
                                                       nesses and I am learning to come to terms with them. My
      About five years ago, I was invited to serve as chairwoman   creed is: “The work is not up to you to finish, yet you are
      of Bat Ami (an organization that places religious Israeli   not free to shirk it” (Pirkei Avot 2:21). We must work as if
      young women in sherut leumi, Israel’s national volunteer   everything depends upon us – but at the same time, we
      service). I happily agreed, and I did it for four years with a   must know that nothing depends on us, that we are ulti-
      lot of love. The young men and women in sherut leumi are   mately not in control.
      Israel’s civic vanguard. They contribute a lot to the country,
      and unfortunately they don’t get enough credit. There’s a
      lot to do with sherut leumi, and I hope to make progress in    Originally published in Hebrew in Giluy Da’at, a weekly Israeli
      that important area too.                         newspaper, October 22, 2021.

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