Page 22 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 22

Just Go For It!

                                                         Aliza Pilichowski:

                                                  The American Olah who became

                                                         Mayor of Mitzpe Yericho

                    Upon making Aliyah with her family from Florida in 2014, Aliza Pilichowski moved
                    to Mitzpe Yericho, a growing yishuv of 450 families overlooking both Yericho and

                    the Dead Sea in the Judean Desert. Four years later, Aliza became the mayor of
                          Mitzpe Yericho. We spoke with her to learn about her amazing journey.

                   Tell us about your background, and what brought you
                   to Israel.
                   I grew up in small towns throughout the United States, but
                   my parents’ dream was always to move to Israel. Wherever
                   we lived, my parents created a home of chessed. My parents
                   had an “FHB” policy, which meant “family hold back”, a
                   code my mom used when unexpected guests showed up at
                   our home to signal to the children that we shouldn’t take
                   food at the table right away, ensuring the guests would
                   have enough to eat. We spent many Shabbatot and chagim
                   at nursing homes where my parents led Shabbat for the
                   residents. With these values and dreams in my ‘backpack’,
                   my husband Uri and I built our home. We decided we
                   would help Klal Yisrael wherever it may take us – but ideally
                   we hoped to be in Israel. Before making Aliyah, we were   Aliza and her husband, Uri.
                   blessed to live in Mevaseret Zion, Beverly Hills, and Boca
                   Raton, where we had the privilege of working with Rabbis   tens of new families each year from all over Israel and the
                   Steven Weil and Efrem Goldberg. When presented with   Diaspora into our community.
                   the opportunity to return to Israel, we jumped! We are
                   blessed to host thousands of guests in our home every
                   year, with whom we share the beauty of Mitzpe Yericho   How does an olah from Florida become the mayor of an
                   and the Judean Desert.                            Israeli town? What drove you to take on this position?
                                                                     When the  yishuv interviewed us, they asked us why
                   What drew you to Mitzpe Yericho?                  we wanted to move to Mitzpe Yericho. I told them that
                                                                     I wanted to be a chalutzah, a pioneer. The interviewers
                   We were looking to live in close proximity to Yerushalayim
                   and wanted to buy a single family home. Most importantly,   chuckled and explained how the founders who first
                   we were looking for an opportunity to be a part of building   came to Mitzpe Yericho were forced to live without basic
                   a community. Nefesh B’Nefesh has a fantastic website that   amenities like electricity and running water. As the yishuv
                   helps people find their homes. After researching and visit-  fortunately no longer has such struggles, I modified my
                   ing the yishuv, we realized it would be an ideal community   goal to become a “pioneer of today” and we began our
                   for us, and we have been very happy here. We welcome   journey in Mitzpe Yericho. I was invited to run for the city

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