Page 25 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 25

an early morning show. “It wasn’t easy   Sivan writes the piece in Hebrew, and
      to get up at 4am for the show, but in   a team of volunteers translates it into
      retrospect it is a lot harder to get all my   18 different languages and sends it
      kids ready for school each morning!”   out. “I owe so much to this team, who
      One of her most prominent roles came   have really given this project life. They
      when she became the anchor of the   are constantly thinking about how to
      6pm news show and began conducting   spread Torah to more people, using
      high profile interviews with figures   technology in every way possible.”
      ranging  from  Sarah  Netanyahu  to
      Rabbi Ovadia Yosef to businessmen   In recent years, Sivan was voted
      like Lev Leviev.                 Israel’s most popular female media
                                       personality in a Globes Newspaper
      Sivan is married to Yedidya Meir, a   poll and listed as one of the most
      journalist, radio broadcaster and   influential Jews in the world by the
      columnist for B’Sheva. “Yedidya and   Jerusalem Post. “It’s flattering and
      I met each other thanks to Shabbat.   exciting. I try to remember that
      An event that was supposed to take   the Globes poll is not just about me
      place on Friday night was postponed   personally, but is also meant as a
      at my request until Saturday night.
 Sivan   It turns out that Yedidya had also   protest against a media that is too
                                       uniform and too provocative, a media
      requested that the event be postponed
      to Saturday night. We stood at the   that does not respect the values   of a
      entrance to the event, and the   significant portion of its consumers.”
 Rahav-Meir:  organizer said to me: ‘I want you to   A mother of five, Sivan’s day begins
      meet the other religious nudnik who
                                       at 6:30am. “I try to daven Shacharit
      got us to postpone this whole event!’   before I wake up the children. I get
      We started talking, and Baruch Hashem,   them ready in the morning, and
      we haven’t stopped talking ever since!”  when Yedidya finishes his morning
 A Remarkable Journey  About six  years ago  something   show on  Kol  Chai radio he does a

      changed. In parallel with her work   round of drop-offs at several schools.
      at News 12, writing a weekly column   The daily schedule is fluid. There are
      in Yediot Acharonot and presenting a   days at home and days filled with
      weekly program on Galei Tzahal, she   speeches and work – everything is
      began giving a weekly Torah class   very flexible.” She tries to get to sleep
      to singles living in the Nachlaot   before midnight, but rarely succeeds.
      neighborhood of Jerusalem. “The class   What is Sivan’s dream for the future?
      took place every Wednesday at nine in   “Rebbe Nachman once said that we
      the evening at Heichal Shlomo, with
      new content each time.” Hundreds   must stop being poor; we must return
      of people came to the class every   to the treasure within us. All of us – as
      week, which was broadcast live on   individuals and together as a people
      Facebook and YouTube, and is now   – have treasures within us that we
      produced for Channel 12 in their   must bring to the world! And one more
      studios and broadcast every Friday.   thing – I hope one day I’ll learn how
      “The goal is for the parasha to be part   to cook!”
      of the cultural pulse, part of the Israeli
      DNA.” Following the success of the
      weekly class, Sivan began lecturing     A version of this article orig-
      in Israel and around the world. “It’s   inally appeared in Hebrew at
      fun to share this Torah with different
      communities, both at Ramle Prison
      and with the General Staff Forum of
      the IDF. I won’t reveal which audience
      paid better attention!”
      Sivan also began a wildly successful
      volunteer project called י ִמֹוּי ַה ק ֶל ֵח ַה, a
      short daily article on the parasha of the   From top to bottom: Sivan with her husband Yedidya;
      week and current events that reaches   With Natan and Avital Sharansky; With her family and
      tens of thousands of subscribers   Rabbi Doron Perez as they depart for shlichut in the
      around the world via WhatsApp.         USA; With Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l.

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