Page 26 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 26

Making Waves

                                 in High-Tech:

                       A Young Religious Mom Moves her Career Forward

                                        with a Little Help from Friends

                       FemForward is an innovative program designed to help women working in Jerusalem-based tech
                     companies advance their careers and advance to managerial and senior positions, offering lectures, a
                     mentorship program and networking opportunities. The program addresses the ‘broken rung’ trend, in
                     which women in entry-level positions are less likely than men to be promoted to first-level managerial
                     positions. We spoke with Allie Feuerstein, Director of International New Business at OurCrowd and a
                                          participant in FemForward’s first cohort, to learn more.

                   Tell us a little bit about your Aliyah story as a religious
                   olah from New Jersey, and how you began your exciting
                   career in high-tech in Israel.
                   Growing up, I never thought I would make Aliyah; it
                   wasn’t on my radar. But when I came to Israel to study
                   at Midreshet Moriah, I fell in love with the country. My
                   parents really wanted me to come back to the US for
                   college, so I went to the University of Pennsylvania and
                   then made Aliyah a few weeks after graduation.
                   While still in America, I started dating my husband, and we
                   soon realized that we had booked the same Aliyah flight! It
                   felt like G-d was patting me on the back and saying, “Allie,
                   you’re doing the right thing by making Aliyah. Here is a
                   husband for you!”                                 Allie and her husband.
                   My first job in Israel was working as a research assistant   the FemForward course, told me about it and encouraged
                   for Daniel Gordis on a book that he was writing called   me to join.
                   Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn. For the last chapter   A key lesson I learned early on in the course is that if
                   of the book, we interviewed the authors of Start-up Nation:   you want to advance in your career, you can’t wait for
                   The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle, and I was incredibly   a promotion to fall into your lap. You have to promote
                   inspired – I wanted to play a meaningful role in building   yourself and make the case to your manager for why
                   a company. I had some friends who were working for   you deserve a promotion. At the time I participated in
                   OurCrowd, an investment platform for investing in   FemForward, OurCrowd was growing rapidly, and people
                   startups based in Jerusalem. I got an interview there, and   who started at the company at the same time I did were
                   the rest is history.                              being promoted. So I went to my manager, an Orthodox
                   What brought you to FemForward, and how did it    guy, and said to him that I felt I was ready for the next step
                   impact your career?                               in my career and that I think I could manage a part of the
                                                                     team. He said to me, “Wow, are you sure? I assumed that
                   I had been working at OurCrowd for two years when   since you’re a young mom you just wanted to take it easy
                   Rachel Wagner Rosenzweig, a friend of mine who runs   at work.” That’s when I realized that there needs to be a

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