Page 28 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 28

One on One

                with Rabbanit

               Sharon Rimon

                     Rabbanit Sharon Rimon is a highly accomplished educator, the editor of the innovative
                    website, a frequent contributor to HaMizrachi magazine and the author of
                    Prisms: Perspectives on the Parasha. A mother of eight, she is married to Rabbi Yosef Zvi
                    Rimon, head of Mizrachi’s Educational Advisory Board and one of Israel’s leading rabbis.

                  ou recently published a two-vol-  parasha also provides a summary that   You balance an incredibly busy life as an
                  ume commentary on the weekly   allows the reader to review the main   educator, mother and community leader.
                  Torah portion titled Prisms: Per-  idea easily and quickly, if they prefer   What advice would you offer to young
           Yspectives on the Parasha. Who    to skip the lengthy study.        women aspiring to become leaders in the
           is this book written for, and what makes                            Religious Zionist community?
           it unique?                        What do you find most interesting in your   I have no advice for other people… I
           The book is written for anyone    role as the editor of  never had any ambitions to become
           interested in studying topics from the   My work as an editor of a website is   a Religious Zionist leader! It just
           weekly parasha in depth. Each topic in   interesting and diverse. It’s exciting   happened; it came to us. Every woman
           the book is dealt with at length and   to learn a wide variety of ideas and   simply needs to be herself. First and
           takes the reader through an orderly   opinions about each chapter in Tanach,   foremost, to take care of her family,
           process of learning. I begin with the   and to then make those ideas accessible   because the family is the foundation
           peshat (the simple understanding),   to the general public by accurately   of  everything.  Beyond  that,  to  open
           pose questions on the text, review   sorting them by chapters and topics   her eyes to what is happening around
           the different answers offered by the   and by shortening and summarizing the   her, to be sensitive to other people and
           commentators, and culminate with a   articles into short and clear ideas. Most   their needs, and to do what is possible
           synthesis of the various opinions and a   of all, I enjoy working with fascinating   to help them within her capabilities,
           meaningful lesson for the reader. Each   people who love Tanach!    with love. n

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