Page 33 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5782 USA
P. 33

continued to aid refugees fleeing Iberia, redeemed Jewish
                                                       slaves captured by pirates, and established a  yeshivah
                                                       colloquially called “the academy of the  giveret” and a
                                                       synagogue named “the synagogue of the Señora.” She
                                                       organized the boycott of the popular trading port Anacona
                                                       in 1556 after the papal mistreatment of Portuguese Jews
                                                       living there – two dozen of whom were burned at the stake.
                                                       In her own home, she hosted meals that served nearly a
                                                       hundred hungry people every day.
                                                       Her heart, however, was always focused on the Land of
                                                       Israel. In the 1560s, Gracia Nasi and her nephew, Joseph
                                                       Nasi, who served in the sultan’s court, sought to establish
                                                       a settlement in Tiberias with the goal of creating a place of
                                                       refuge for Jews. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent granted
                                                       Joseph Nasi permission to settle Tiberias, and by 1566, a
                     A map of Ferrara, c.1600. (PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)  thriving community of Jews were living there. Doña Gracia
      Doña is a Spanish honorific reserved for nobility, Gracia is   Nasi even reinterred the remains of her deceased parents
      the Spanish equivalent of Chana, and her new surname,   and husband from Portugal to Israel. Though the settlement
      Nasi, alluded to the biblical title that connoted royalty and   she helped to build in Tiberias dwindled to only a few
      political leadership. A nasi, or prince, represents the Jewish   remaining families, she made an indelible mark in the effort
      people in communal, legal, financial, and political aspects   to bring Jews back to the Land of Israel. Today the Doña
      of life, and Doña Gracia Nasi was the only woman for whom   Gracia hotel and museum is located in Tiberias, welcoming
      there is evidence that this title was used. In keeping with   visitors to the land to which she yearned to return.
      this title, even after openly reclaiming her Judaism, Doña   Doña Gracia Nasi died in 1569. After her passing, the famous
      Gracia did not submit to the sumptuary laws that restricted   poet Sa’adiah Longo wrote an ode to commemorate her
      the clothing Jews were allowed to wear, and continued to   called “Doña Gracia of the House of Nasi,” comparing the
      dress fashionably in the high style of living to which she   pain of her loss to the pain felt for the destruction of the
      was accustomed.                                  Temples on Tisha B’Av. Revered as a champion for the
      An active patron of the literary and printing endeavors   Jewish people, Doña Gracia was a woman who chose to act
      of Ferrara’s Jewish community, both the Ferrara Bible, a   at a time when many Jews were burned alive at the stake.
      vernacular Spanish translation of the Hebrew Bible, and   Her unabashed allegiance to the Jewish nation made Doña
      historian Samuel Usuqe’s Consolation for the Tribulations of   Gracia the embodiment of perseverance in exile, reminding
      Israel – published in Ferrara in 1553 – were dedicated to   our people that they would one day return as free and proud
      Doña Gracia Nasi.                                Jews to the Holy Land.
      In the spring of 1553, Gracia Nasi moved from Venice to   Chaya Sara Oppenheim holds a B.A. from Barnard College where she
      Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. She   studied English and history.

      The city of Tiberias

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