Page 44 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 44


       Esther, Chapter Eight

       — ח קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ —                                                       Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

       The Right of Self-Defense

               any readers breathe a sigh of   annulled. The decree is in place. In   their reality was threatening and truly
               relief when they reach this   another few months, it will be permit-  terrifying, bringing about fasting and
      Mchapter – Haman and his              ted to kill the Jews. But according to   mourning, and the trials and tribula-
       sons have been hanged and it seems   the new letters sent out, the Jews will   tions of this harsh decree (but also the
       the story of the Megillah has reached   be permitted to congregate and defend   great bravery of Esther). This has been
       its conclusion.                      themselves:                          true throughout Jewish history – lack-
                                                                                 ing independence, dependent on the
       This is not a correct reading of the   “To this effect: The king has permit-  goodwill of foreign rulers, we found
       Megillah though. In our chapter we see   ted the Jews of every city to assemble   ourselves locked between discrimi-
       that even though Haman is no longer in   and fight for their lives; if any people   natory formality and outright hatred
       the picture, the decree to wipe out the   or province attacks them, they may   and hostility that didn’t even need to
       Jews still stands. If nothing is done, the   destroy, massacre, and exterminate   hide behind the hypocritical mask of
       verdict will still be valid, and the future   its armed force together with women   regulation.
       of the Jews is at risk. This stems from   and children, and plunder their pos-
       the laws of the Persian kingdom:     sessions… So the king’s scribes were   Through G-d’s grace, in Megillat Esther
                                            summoned at that time, on the twen-  we were privileged to come together
       “...for an edict that has been written   ty-third day of the third month, that is,   and protect ourselves, to fight for our
       in the king’s name and sealed with the   the month of Sivan; and letters were   lives, and to be free to defend ourselves
       king’s signet may not be revoked.”   written, at Mordechai’s dictation, to the   from harm. An essential part of reading
                                            Jews and to the satraps, the governors
       Indeed, in our chapter we read about   and the officials of the one hundred and   Megillat Esther is to look at the reality
       the actions Esther takes, with great                                      in which we are privileged to live today:
       courage, to try to annul the decree:  twenty-seven provinces from India to   we are a nation which does not expect
                                            Ethiopia.”                           another country to save us from trouble,
       “Esther spoke to the king again, falling   Thus, before us are nine months of   but which stands on its own two feet,
       at his feet and weeping, and beseeching   drawn-out suspense – what will happen   with G-d’s grace. May we merit to real-
       him to avert the evil plotted by Haman   when the month of Adar comes? Will   ize the heroism, courage, confidence
       the Agagite against the Jews.”                                            and bravery hidden within it, and to
                                            the enemies of the Jews succeed in
       True, Haman was the catalyst, but from   executing their plot, or will the Jews   defend ourselves – united as a people
                                                                                 – from our enemies.
       the moment Achashverosh agreed, he   succeed in overcoming their enemies?
       became part of the hostility toward the   Slowly, it became apparent that the vic-
       Jews. Moreover, the first letters were   tory would be at the hands of the Jews:
       still in place, due to a formal excuse.   “And in every province and in every city,
       Achashverosh doesn’t care about justice   when the king’s command and decree
       or morality; he does as he wishes, even   arrived, there was gladness and joy
       to Vashti, not to mention the actual   among the Jews, a feast and a holiday.
       decree to kill the Jews. Many times, the   And many of the people of the land
       wanton hide behind the letter of the   professed to be Jews, for the fear of the
       law, while their true motivation is not   Jews had fallen upon them.”
       officialdom but the desire to wipe out                                    Rabbi Yuval Cherlow is a Rosh Yeshiva
       the Jews entirely.                   What can we learn from our chapter?  and a founding member of an organization
                                                                                 devoted to bridging the religious-secular
       To overcome this formal problem, and   The ability to defend oneself is a great   divide in Israel.
       to force Achashverosh to give up the   privilege. It is not self-evident. In Megil-
       entire project, the following political   lat Esther, the Jews lacked this ability   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       solution is found: the law will not be   until the new letters were issued, so

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