Page 43 - HaMizrachi Purim Australia 5781
P. 43
Esther, Chapter Seven
— ז קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ — Rabbi Jesse Horn
ne central theme of the Purim Megillah reiterates how she remained quickly enough (5:3, 5:6, 7:2, and 9:12).
miracle is אּוה ך ֹופ ֲ הַנ ְ ו, “And it quiet, not revealing her nationality, as However, Esther’s accumulation of
Owas switched around” (Esther Mordechai had instructed her (2:20). power is most unmistakably reinforced
9:1). Many things are switched around These descriptions reinforce our when Haman, pleading for his life, turns
in the Megillah, most notably, the fate image of Esther as beautiful, quiet and to her rather than to the king. Even
of Am Yisrael, but Chazal (Ptichta D’Es- obedient. Haman realizes Esther is now the one
ther Rabbah, Vilna Edition 9) stress one calling the shots. Haman begs Esther
particular element about Achashverosh, However, Esther is not just quiet and for his life because clearly she has the
ג ַ ר ָ ה ת ֶ ר ֶ ח ַ א ם ַ ע ַ פּו ֹוב ֲ הֹוא יֵנ ְּ פ ִ מ ֹו ּ ת ְ ׁש ִ א ת ֶ א ג ַ ר ָ ה ֶ ׁש passive; she is controlled by others. She power. This visual illustration further
ֹו ּ ת ְ ׁש ִ א יֵנ ְּ פ ִ מ ֹוב ֲ הֹוא ת ֶ א, “He killed his wife almost blindly obeys Mordechai to keep reinforces Esther’s commanding role.
because of his loved one and on another her nationality secret (2:10, 20). Addi-
occasion killed his loved one because tionally, she is taken forcefully to the What precipitates this change in
of his wife.” Achashverosh kills Vashti palace (2:8), first as a prospect to marry Esther? What motivates her to behave
because of his advisors, and he kills the king and ultimately, as his wife so differently?
Haman because of his wife, Esther, after (2:17). None of these actions appear to The turning point in Esther’s behavior
she charges him with the mass-exter- be of her own volition. The verse stating occurs immediately after a powerful
mination of her people. Haman, in an “And Esther was taken” (2:16) is more conversation with Mordechai. At the
effort to save his life, turns to Esther than a mere description of her move- climax in the narrative, Mordachai
and begins to beg (7:7) but to no avail. ments; it captures who she is. exclaims, “Do not be silent with your
This scene best captures Esther’s There is a stark contrast between Esther soul escaping from all the Jews, for if
remarkable transformation, her own in the first (chapters 1–3) and second you are silent now, salvation will come
אּוה ךֹופ ֲ הַנ ְ ו. parts (chapters 4–10) of the Megillah. In to the Jews from another place and you
the second segment, she is exceedingly and your father’s house will be lost.
The first three chapters of the Megillah active. Esther initiates and organizes And who knows if for this moment you
portray Esther as beautiful, quiet, pas- three days to fast and mourn (4:15–16), became queen” (Esther 4:14).
sive and obedient. This is undoubtedly enters Achashverosh’s inner courtyard
expressed in Esther’s introduction, “She unannounced (5:1–2), putting her life Upon hearing this challenge, Esther is
had no father or mother, and the girl in peril (4:11), throws two parties for deeply inspired and risks everything,
was beautiful and pleasant to look at Achashverosh and Haman, and at the including her life, to save her nation.
and when her father and mother died, second one, accuses Haman of plotting Esther’s unparalleled commitment to
Mordechai took her in as a daughter” the destruction of the Jewish people. Am Yisrael prompts a metamorpho-
(2:7), and reinforced throughout. sis in her behavior. Simply put, Esther
In her newly active role, she exerts becomes who she needs to be because
The Megillah fortifies this image by dominance over those who had pre- she has to save her people.
noting that Esther obeys Mordechai’s viously controlled her. The Megillah
command to remain utterly silent and unmistakably presents her as having Rabbi Jesse Horn is a Senior Ra”m (Rosh
not inform anyone of her religion or Metivta) at Yeshivat Hakotel and director of
the Mizrachi/Yeshivat Hakotel Mechanchim
nationality (2:10–11). Esther is then the upper hand. program.
taken into the palace for a special party She commands Mordechai to gather
(2:18). There, the people are deeply the Jews to fast (4:16), which he does, A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
impressed with her beauty (2:16). The and Achashverosh can’t fulfill her needs
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