Page 25 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 25

Rabbi Azarya Berzon

                         THE UNIQUENESS OF
                         the Aseret HaDibrot

             he Rambam warns us against     fulfill the 10, he would have accom-  will perish. Just as  Elokim legislates
             attributing any special sanctity   plished all 613. While his approach is   the laws of the natural order, so does
      Tto        the   Aseret  HaDibrot,    brilliant, one who studies the Azharot   Elokim legislate the moral laws that
       arguing that it is a fundamental     will find it difficult to be convinced   regulate human society. Here too,
       tenet  of  our  faith  that  every  word   that all the mitzvot can in fact be cat-  Elokim knows no tolerance. Violation
       in the Torah is sanctified. Yet the   egorized under these 10 principles.  of the moral law leads inevitably to
       rational mind seeks to comprehend                                         disaster.
       why these specific 10  mitzvot were   I am excited about an answer to our
       given as a separate unit to the      question that evolves from Rav Yosef   The Aseret HaDibrot are legislated
       people of Israel. There must be a    Dov Soloveichik’s interpretation of an   by  Elokim, the same  Elokim that
       common denominator that links the    enigmatic statement of the  Mechilta,   authored nature. Thus Chazal employ
       10 together and explains why these   quoted by Rashi in his commentary to   the description ע ַ ר ָּ פ ִ ל ןָּי ַ ּ ד, meaning the
       were transmitted as a ‘whole.’ One   the opening verse of the Aseret HaDi-  seeds of destruction are inherent
       of the outstanding scholars of the   brot (Shemot 20:1):                  in the crime. While there are many
       last generation, Rabbi S. Y. Zevin,                                       mitzvot  in the Torah for  which  the
       argues that each one of the 10 –       ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש י ִ פ ְ ל ,ןָּי ַ ּ ד א ָּ ל ֶ א םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א ןי ֵ א .םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א  ר ֵּ ב ַ דְי ַ ו  punishment for violation is left to
       each  for  its  own  reason  –  represents    ,ר ָ כ ָ ׂש  ל ֵּ ב ַ ק ְ מ ם ָ ד ָ א ן ָ א ָ ׂש ֲ ע ם ִ א ֶ ׁש  ה ָ רֹו ּ ת ַּ ב  תֹוּי ִ ׁש ָ ר ָּ פ  the  World  to  Come, this is  not  the
       some fundamental and unusual rule     ף ַ א לֹוכָי  ,תּונ ָ ע ְ ר ֻּ פ ם ֶ הי ֵ ל ֲ ע ל ֵּ ב ַ ק ְ מ ֹוני ֵ א וא ָ ל  ם ִ א ְ ו  case for the violations of the 10. Vio-
       within the world of Halacha. While    – םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א ר ֵּ ב ַ דְי ַ ו ר ַ מֹול דּומְ ל ַּ ת ,ן ֵּ כ תֹור ְּ ב ִ ּ ד ַ ה ת ֶ ר ֶ ׂש ֲ ע  lation of the  Aseret HaDibrot leads
       there is wisdom and depth to his                                .ע ַ ר ָּ פ ִ ל ןָּי ַ ּ ד  inevitably to disaster. To mention a
       presentation, one is left wanting; we                                     few examples, one who disrespects
       seek to define one single principle   Which sections of the Torah fit this
       that underlies all of the 10.        description of  Chazal as contain-   his parents will not be honored by
                                            ing commandments which ‘if one       his children. Immorality leads to the
                                                                                 breakdown of  the family structure.
                                            elects to fulfill them he will be duly
       “”        There must be a            rewarded, but if he decides not to per-  Murder avenges itself upon the mur-
                                                                                 derer. Idolatry destroys the religious
                                            form them, he will suffer no punish-
                 common denominator
                 that links the             ment’? Moreover, can this description   makeup of society. Desecration of the
                                                                                 Shabbat will result in a secular mode
                                            apply to any of the Aseret HaDibrot?
                 10 together.                                                    of living devoid of spiritual meaning.
                                            The Rav explained that the key to
                                            unlock the mystery of this Chazal    Thus, the 10 represent the underlying
       A second approach can be found       lies in the meaning of the particular   fabric of man and his society, and are
       in the principle formulated by Rav   Divine Name chosen to introduce the   given by Elokim whose moral law, like
       Saadia Gaon, quoted by Rashi at the   Aseret HaDibrot. The Name  Elokim   His natural law, knows no toleration.
       end of  Parashat Mishpatim:  ׁש ֵ ׁש  ל ָּ כ   suggests two interrelated concepts: (a)
       תֹור ְּ ב ִ ּ ד ַ ה ת ֶ ר ֶ ׂש ֲ ע ל ַ ל ְ כ ִּ ב תֹו ְ צ ִ מ ה ֵ ר ְ ׂש ֶ ע  ׁשלֹ ְ ׁשּו תֹוא ֵ מ   G-d as the creator of the universe and
       ן ֵ ה.  Rav  Saadia  Gaon authored  his   (b) G-d’s role as a judge who metes   1   HaMoadim BeHalacha, pp. 320-324.
       famous  Azharot in which he sub-     out punishment. G-d as  Elokim is
       sumes all the  mitzvot under the 10.   the author of the natural order of the   Rabbi Azarya Berzon  is the Rav and
       We can say that each of the  Aseret   universe. The law of nature is inviola-  Rosh Kollel of the Emek Learning Center
       HaDibrot  represents a root, a funda-  ble. In this domain there is zero-tol-  in Jerusalem, and has over 7,200 shiurim
       mental principle, and if one would   erance. If a man jumps off a cliff, he   available online

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