Page 16 - Bernardon+Wilmington University Qualifications Statement_Neat
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University of Delaware Biden School of Public Policy & Administration
Bernardon provided design services for an exterior window replacements; an all-new slate roof with copper
restoration and interior renovation to this stately 10,000 flashings, integral gutters, and snow guards; interior
square foot Georgian-revival building in order to provide storm windows to maintain the original exterior window
new space for graduate student services. sightlines; extensive exterior millwork repairs; removal of
several unsightly industrial lighting fixtures and improved
Originally built in 1926, the house was donated by its ADA access. Site improvements also included improved
original owners to the University in 1966. Since then, the landscaping and decorative fencing.
building has served as temporary administrative office
space, a women’s residence hall, a temporary student More recently Bernardon provided interior design
infirmary, and home of UD’s Blue and Gold Club, a private services to fit out the space as a new home for The Biden
dining facility for faculty, staff and alumni. Institute, part of the University’s Biden School of Public
Policy & Administration, including a private office for
The exterior restoration successfully maintains and founding chair and President-elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
improves the stately classical image with limited custom
“It’s wonderful to see this lovely building open again, to serve our graduate students and
international students and scholars and provide a gathering place they can call their own.”
—Nancy Brickhouse, Deputy Provost, University of Delaware
BERNARDON | Statement of Qualifications Page 14