Page 18 - Bernardon+Wilmington University Qualifications Statement_Neat
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University of Delaware Perkins Student Center
The Bernardon team was challenged to design 60,000 “The architects demonstrated great creativity in
SF of renovations in order to reposition an aging student transforming a previously windowless bookstore
center on the main campus of the University of Delaware.
into a place where students now meet and study
The renovated building contains a new energetic Student in the heart of the University’s Student Center.
Lounge and a reconfigured Lobby with a new information The University is very happy with the project’s
desk. The previously windowless lower level was final result.”
transformed into an inviting student community space
—Peter Krawchyk AIA, AUA, LEED-AP
with supporting student organization and staff offices.
University Architect and Campus Planner
The existing complicated circulation paths in the building
University of Delaware
were simplified to connect the building’s two monumental
stairs with a sweeping corridor “promenade.”
The area of the student lounge was opened to the exterior
by means of new floor-to-ceiling windows allowing this
space to interact with the exterior activities. An existing
skylight was also re-opened above the monumental
stairway allowing natural light to flood into the lower
BERNARDON | Statement of Qualifications Page 16