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circumstances;  or (C) An  assumption by  services caused by its negligence; however, the  20.   Choice of Law:   Unless otherwise
        Bernardon to liability greater than or differing  failure by Owner, and/or  the Owner’s  specified, the Law of the State or
        from those explicit in this  Agreement; or (D)  Contractors or  Subcontractors and  Owner’s  Commonwealth where the project resides shall
        An assumption by Bernardon of the liabilities  Consultants to notify Bernardon of such defects  govern this Agreement.  Terms  in this
        of any other party.                  in a timely fashion shall  relieve Bernardon of  Agreement  shall have the same meaning as
                                             the costs of remedying the defects  above the  those in AIA Document  B101-2017, Standard
        12.  Risk Allocation/Limitation of Liability:   sum such remedy would have cost had prompt  Form  of Agreement  Between Owner and
        The risks  have been allocated  such  that the  notification been given.     Architect, and AIA document A201-2017,
        Owner  agrees that  to  the fullest  extent                               General  Conditions of  the Contract  for
        permitted by law, Bernardon’s total liability to  15.   Waiver of  Consequential  Damages:   Construction,  current  as  of the date  of this
        the Owner for any and all injuries, claims,  Notwithstanding any  other  provision of this  Agreement.
        losses, expenses, damages, or claims expenses  Agreement, the Owner  agrees that  Bernardon
        arising out of this agreement from any cause or  shall  not  be liable  for any consequential  21.  No Third-Party Beneficiaries:   Nothing
        causes shall not exceed the total amount of the  damages  claimed or  incurred by the Owner,  contained in this Agreement  shall create  a
        fee paid to Bernardon.  Such causes include but  any Contractor, Subcontractor,  or  any other  contractual  relationship with, or  a cause of
        are not limited to Bernardon’s  negligence,  person  or entity, arising from the  Project.   action in favor  of, any third-party against
        errors,  omissions,  strict liability,  breach of  Consequential damages waived herein include,  Bernardon  or  the Owner.   The Owner  and
        contract, or breach of warranty.  Bernardon will  but are not limited to, claims for loss of profits,  Bernardon expressly and affirmatively disclaim
        not  be responsible  for any loss,  damage,  or  loss of business use, loss of beneficial use, loss  any  intent  to designate  any third-party  as an
        liability arising from Owner’s negligent  acts,  of rent, increased overhead,  and/or increased  actual  or intended third-party beneficiary  of
        errors,  or  omissions  or  those by Owner’s  general conditions.         this Agreement.
        consultants,  contractors,  and agents or from
        those of any person whose conduct  is not  16.  Insurance:   Bernardon’s policies for  22.  Non-Assignment of Agreement:  Neither
        within  Bernardon’s  contractual responsibility.  Workmen’s  Compensation,  Professional  Owner nor Bernardon shall  assign, sublet or
        The Owner agrees that Bernardon shall not be   Liability,  and Standard Liability Insurance  transfer  its interest in  this Agreement  without
        liable for claims by any present or subsequent  protect  Bernardon.   The Owner shall require  the written consent  of  the other. The Owner
        purchaser of the premises that are the subject of  each  Contractor,  Subcontractor,   and/or  shall not  assign any claim, action or  cause of
        this Agreement  resulting from  any actual  or  Consultant  to secure and maintain workers  action arising under this Agreement or a breach
        alleged defects in Bernardon’s drawings  or  compensation,  general  liability,   and  thereof  or  in connection with any of  the
        from Bernardon’s services.           professional  liability  (where  applicable)  services performed or required to be performed
                                             insurance.  To the extent available, the Owner  by this Agreement to any other person or entity.
        13.  Liability for Omissions:   If, due to  shall procure a policy  of  builder’s  risk
        Bernardon's negligent error, any required item  insurance with sufficient  limits  of liability to  23.  Acceptance by Authorization to
        or component  of the Project  is omitted from  protect  all losses  that  may reasonably arise  Proceed:  In the event that Bernardon and the
        Bernardon's Documents, Bernardon shall not be  from the project.  The Owner expressly agrees  Owner have not  executed this Agreement, the
        responsible for paying the cost to add such item  to require all of its Contractors, Subcontractors,  Owner’s  written or verbal  authorization  to
        or component  to the extent  that such item or  and  Consultants to name Bernardon  as an  Bernardon to proceed with the performance of
        component would have been otherwise  additional insured  on each  policy of general  the services  set  forth  herein shall constitute
        necessary to the Project or otherwise adds value  liability and builder’s risk insurance.   acceptance by the Owner of these Terms  and
        or betterment  to the Project. Bernardon shall                            Conditions.
        only be liable  to the extent  that  such costs  17.  Waiver of Subrogation:  The Owner and
        would have  been  avoided had Bernardon not  Bernardon waive all rights, including all rights  24.  Miscellaneous  Provision:   The Owner
        been negligent. In no event will Bernardon be  of subrogation,  against each other  and their  agrees  that  it will  include in their  agreement
        responsible  for  any cost  or expense that  agents and employees  for  property damages  with any Contractor and/or Construction
        provides  betterment, upgrade,  or enhancement  covered  by any  property insurance during  Manager  the following clause:   “The Owner
        of the Project. The Owner’s sole and exclusive  construction.  The  Owner  shall  require  and Bernardon acknowledge that nothing in the
        remedy for such negligent omissions where no   appropriate like waivers from the Contractors,  Owner’s agreement implies any undertaking by
        otherwise avoidable  costs  are incurred by  Consultants, and agents.     Bernardon for the benefit of, or which may be
        Owner  is for  Bernardon to  perform services                             enforced  by,  the  Contractor,  or  its
        necessary to correct  the omission without   18.  Frivolous  Suit:   In the event  the Owner   Subcontractors, or the surety of any of them; it
        charge to Owner;  provided that  where   makes a  claim  or brings  an action  against  being understood  that  Bernardon’s  obligations
        Bernardon's fees or  reimbursable  expenses   Bernardon for  any act  arising out  of  the  are to the Owner in performing such
        would have been higher had the omitted item or   performance of the services hereunder, and the  obligations.   Bernardon may increase the
        component been included prior to construction,   Owner fails  to prove such a claim  or action,  burdens  and expense of the Contractor, or its
        Bernardon shall be entitled to such increased   then the Owner shall  pay all legal  and other  Subcontractors, or the surety of any of them.”
        fees and reimbursable expenses.      costs incurred by Bernardon in defense of such
                                             claim or action.                     25.  Integration:   This Agreement  represents
        14.  Owner's Remedies:    The Owner  shall                                the entire  and  integrated Agreement  between
        promptly report  to Bernardon any known  or   19.   Arbitration:   Claims, disputes,  or other  the Owner and Bernardon and  supersedes  all
        suspected  errors, omissions,  and/or  defects in   matters in question between the parties to this  prior  or  contemporaneous  negotiations,
        Bernardon's services or  those  of  Bernardon's   agreement  arising out  of or relating to this   representations, or agreements, either written or
        consultants,  so  that  Bernardon may take   Agreement  or breach thereof  may, if  both  oral. This Agreement  may not be amended,
        measures to minimize the consequences of such   parties  agree, in writing, be subject  to and  modified or changed, except in writing. The
        defect.   The Owner warrants that  Owner will   decided by arbitration in accordance with the  Owner and Bernardon each binds himself, his
        impose an identical notification requirement in   Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the  partners, successors, assigns, and  legal
        the contract(s)  of all Contractors  retained by   American Arbitration Association currently in  representatives  to the other  party to this
        Owner and shall require all subcontracts at any   effect  unless the  parties mutually  agree  Agreement  and  to the partners,  successors,
        level to contain a like requirement. Bernardon   otherwise.               assigns, and legal representatives of such other
        shall be responsible for correcting defects in its                        party with respect to all terms, conditions, and
                                                                                  covenants of this Agreement.

        Terms and Conditions of Agreement for Professional Services of Bernardon | January 1, 2023          Page 2 of 2
               BERNARDON | Proposal for Interior Design Services | Federal Realty Investment Trust
               Willow Grove Shopping Center Redevelopment - Phase III - Building G | May 15, 2023         Page 10
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