Page 130 - GS_Journal_2016_back2back with agenda cover
P. 130
UCU GS Research Journal
This study was primarily conducted to determine the implementation of corporate social
responsibility (CSR) of selected business establishments in Urdaneta City. Specifically, this study
determined the profile of the respondents and the company profile of the selected business
establishments; the level of implementation of the corporate social responsibility rendered
by the business establishments; the relationship between the level of implementation of the
corporate social responsibility and the respondents’ profile and company profile variables; and
the degree of seriousness of the problems encountered by the business establishments in the
implementation of corporate social responsibility.
The following summarizes the salient findings of the study: Majority of the respondents
are males, aged 18 - 30 years old, single, rank and file employees with less than three (3) years
of experience. The respondents were mainly vocational graduates and with only one (1) relevant
training attended. On the company profile, majority were operating a service type of business.
Most of the businesses belonged to corporations, operating or existing for 1 – 5 years, employing
sixteen (16) and above workers with total assets of 500,000 and below, and earning 5,000 and
below monthly income.
Based on the foregoing significant findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
Majority of the respondents are young, inexperienced, unmarried, ordinary male workers and
mainly vocational graduates who are slightly trained. Majority of the business establishments are
relatively new small enterprises involved in providing service. The business establishments had
an average implementation of CSR activities. Sex greatly influences the implementation of CSR
activities along ecological protection. The form of organization, period of operation and manpower
strength of business establishments likewise remarkably influence the implementation of CSR
programs along environmental concerns. The problems encountered are within reasonable limits.
The Proposed Intervention Measure is a viable alternative to enhance the level of implementation
of CSR initiatives.
In the light of the significant findings and conclusions drawn, the following
recommendations are offered: Business owners should prioritize the implementation of corporate
social responsibility programs along environmental concerns. Participation of the business owners
and employees in trainings and seminars on waste management and environmental protection
should also be pursued. Business owners should strengthen linkages with the community and the
local government relative to the implementation of CSR programs and projects. Business owners
should incorporate in their strategic plans the enhancement of CSR programs and projects along
education, environmental concerns, social and philanthropic services and economic services.