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P. 49
UCU GS Research Journal
This study involved 120 respondent-students, 60 officers and 60 non-officers selected
using the purposive sampling technique. The main problem determined the extent of student
involvement of the respondent-students in the development of quality instruction in their
respective university, during the AY 2015- 2016.
Specific problem No. 1 focused on the profile variables, namely: age, sex, birth order,
monthly family income, other sources of funds, year level, and role in student organization.
Problem No. 2, determined the extent of student involvement of the respondents in the
development of quality instruction, in the areas of administrative policy, curriculum, instruction,
and co – curricular programs. Problem No. 3 determined whether or not there are differences in
the extent of student involvement of the respondents in the development of quality instruction,
in the areas of administrative policy, curriculum, instruction, and co - curricular programs, across
the profile variables. Finally, problem No. 4 determined whether or not there are relationships
between the extent of student involvement in the development of quality instructions, in the
areas of administrative policy, curriculum, instruction, and co–curricular programs, and the
profile variables.
The following are the salient findings in this study: The majority of respondent-students
are young adults, belonging to the age bracket of 18- 20 years old, females, second born and
other birth orders, who belong to families with monthly family income of 10,001- 15,000 Php,
with relatives as other source of funds for the school expenses, and most of them are 4th and 5th
years, i.e., they are graduating students. The respondent-students are typical students, taking
Teacher Education (TE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Engineering
students, who belong to the “lower lower middle class” families. The respondent-students, 60 of
them are officers and 60 are non-officers of student organizations, manifested their involvement
in the development of quality instruction is very extensively.
The following recommendations are offered: More scholarship grants be provided by
the government through the administration officials of the University, to deserving students,
especially those belonging to the “lower lower middle class” families. The student involvement
in the development of quality instruction should be encouraged and institutionalized in every
college of the University. Student involvement in development of quality instruction should be
extended to include student involvement in quality management. University Programs should be
projected to enhance quality development and management in all areas of university operation.
Other studies should be conducted on student involvement in development of quality instruction
using wider scope, and other techniques of gathering data.