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P. 51

UCU GS Research Journal
                                    ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM
                                        DELAILA E. CEREZO

                   The study was conducted to identify the values being internalized by the Grade 9 students
            of Luciano Millan National High School.  This study mainly proposed a Values Enhancement
            Program to improve the character and attitudes of the students of Luciano Millan National High
            School  for  a  more  effective  implementation  of  the  mission  and  vision  of  the  Department  of
            Education for good citizenship. .
                   The study made use of descriptive-developmental method of research in pointing out
            the values of the students and the study is composed of one hundred seventy three (173) Grade
            9  students  and  eight  (8)  Grade  9  advisers  of  Luciano  Millan  National  High  School,  Asingan,
            Pangasinan respondents.
                   TThe study further revealed that the internalized values of the Grade 9 students of
            Luciano Millan National High School with an Average Weighted Mean of 4.10 and a descriptive
            rating of Often in which Diamond got the highest Average Weighted Mean of 4.34 followed by
            Section Ruby with an AWM of 4.16 while, Amethyst and Garnet have an AWM of 4.04 as Sapphire
            has an AWM of 4.02, Jade has an AWM of 4.01 and Pearl has an AWM of 3.83 and lastly, Emerald
            has an AWM of 3.77.
                   The following conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study: Majority
            of  the  respondents  are  female  students.  Most  of  the  students  are  residing  in  the  barangay
            and relatively low in the Poblacion. The students’ father occupations are largely farmers and
            others which include part time jobs and some contractual jobs while, the mothers have a very
            high number of housekeepers and very few who have white collar jobs such as teachers, bank
            employees, clerk, managers, vendors and others which consist of a part-time and seasonal job.
            There is relatively high number of the high school and college graduates among the fathers
            of  the  students  and  very  few  are  elementary  graduates.  However,  there  is  high  number  of
            mothers who earned a diploma from completing college degree. 5)  Almost all the students have
            satisfactory values.
                   Based from the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were offered: The
            teachers should help the students to improve the students’ values towards their personal well-
            being, achieving academic excellence, improving skills in achieving students’ goals, enhancing
            students’ relationship with their families and friends and helping them expand their good heart
            in loving the environment. Adopt the proposed values enhancement program for better services
            to students in strengthening their capabilities and improving values.

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