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P. 50
UCU GS Research Journal
This study sought to determine the level of emotional intelligence of the public
secondary school teachers SY 2015-2016. Specifically Problem No. 1 focused on the profile of
the respondents which included profile variables namely: age, civil status, highest educational
attainment, length of service and relevant trainings attended. Problem No. 2 dealt with the level
of emotional intelligence of the respondents in the aspects of: self-awareness, work satisfaction,
emotional expressions, compassion, personal power and integrity. Problem No. 3 focused on the
significant differences between the teachers perception of the emotional intelligence across the
profile variables. Problem No. 4 focused on the significant relationship between the teachers’
perception of their emotional intelligence and the selected profile variables: highest educational
attainment, length of service and relevant trainings attended.
The following is the summary of the salient findings of the study: The teacher
respondents are within the age bracket of 21 – 36 years old above, dominantly married, pursuing
graduate studies, with 6 – 10 years length of service and have attended trainings from district to
national level; The level of emotional intelligence of the respondents is generally “very high” with
item “on compassion” having the highest weighted mean and item “on personal power” having
the lowest weighted mean.
In the light of the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: The
profile variables of the public secondary school teachers is adequate enough to qualify them in
the teaching profession. Their personal and professional qualities will contribute to make them
effective teachers. The teacher respondents are still wanting of upgrading or improving their
level of emotional intelligence in some areas or aspects. The teachers are comparable in their
level of emotional intelligence across the profile variables. The teachers have very high emotional
intelligence in some aspects which make them very good teachers at certain situations.
Based on the conclusions made, the following are recommended: The teachers
concerned should be sent to more in-service trainings on the national and international level
along their field of specialization. It must be inculcated among teachers that professional
growth is a continuous process that they should pursue their advance studies and continue
upholding professionalism among teachers. That the respondents must maintain a high level
of emotional intelligence in the different aspect by participating in activitier4s that can enhance
their emotional intelligence. Recommend that an enhancement program building activities in
emotional intelligence should be initiated and implemented in schools. A more carefully selected
variables should further be identified, specifically these strong indicators for enhancing emotional
intelligence. Further researches should be undertaken to look into other concerned of emotional
intelligence not covered by this study.