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P. 68
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the extents of usage of digital technology of public secondary
school teachers in the delivery of instruction in their classes of San Nicolas, Pangasinan Division
II, S.Y 2014 to 2015. Specifically, it sought to determine the profile of public secondary school
teachers in terms of age, sex, civil status, current position, and number of years in service.
Likewise, it looked into the extents of usage of digital technology of public secondary school
teachers in the delivery of instruction, the significant differences in the levels of digital literacy
of the public secondary school teachers across the selected profile variables and the significant
relationships between the extents of usage of the digital technology in the delivery of instruction
by the public secondary school teachers and the selected profile variables.
Based on the analyses data, the following findings were yielded (1) Most of the
respondents belong to the age bracket 21 years old to 60 years old and above; females, married
and have 5 years and below and 6 to 10 years in the service. (2) The extent usage of digital
literacy of PSST in their delivery of instruction is generally in “extensive” level as indicated by
the overall weighted mean of 3.85 with technology, operations, and concepts and professional
competency having the lowest overall weighted mean of 3.59. (3) The null hypothesis on the
significant differences in the levels of digital literacy of the PSST and their profile variables is
generally rejected at 0.05 level of significance in all areas.
In the light of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) The respondent
- PSST are adequately qualified in teaching profession. (2) The respondents - PSST still wanting
in their skills using digital technology in the delivery of instruction in their classes, i.e., they
still need to enhance their digital literacy. (3) The profile variables, civil status is the source of
variation in the extents of usage of the digital technology in the delivery of instruction. However,
the other variables, are not sources of variation in the dependent variable. (4) The extent usage
of digital technology in the delivery of instruction among respondent - PSST are not correlated or
associated with the mentioned profile variables, except with the variables, age and civil status.
On the basis of the findings and conclusions yielded in this study, the following
recommendations are hereby provided. (1) All concerned teachers must encouraged to enhance
their professional growth by pursuing their graduate and post graduate in studies in reputable
institution to improve their skills in using digital technology in delivering instruction in their
classes. (2) In - service programs on enhancing digital literacy of PSST should be implemented.
(3) In – service trainings on the use of digital technology on the delivery of instruction should be
designed and implemented. (4) Other studies should be conducted to look into other aspects of
teachers’ extent usage of digital technology in delivering instruction in their classes.