Page 18 - Newsletter-Hotel & Hospitality industry
P. 18

Zorawar Kalra

              CNT & Singleton Selections Top Restaurant Awards:
              The “Inherently Good Taste” Award
                                                               The man behind inventive restaurants
        h                                                      such  as  Masala  Library  by  Jiggs

                                                               Kalra,  Farzi  Café  and  Pa  Pa  Ya
        g                                                      restaurateur Zorawar Kalra is known

                                                               for  creating  unique  gourmet
                                                               e x p e r i e n c e s   a n d   b l e n d i n g
        s                                                      contemporary  culinary  techniques

        n                                                      with  traditional  Indian  cuisine.  For
                                                               bringing his own sense of style and
        I                                                      taste to the restaurant industry, Kalra
        s                                                      was  awarded  the  CNT  &  Singleton

                                                               Selections  “Inherently  Good  Taste”

        s                                                      Award.


        n                                       Riyaaz Amlani
                                                Condé Nast Traveller & Himalayan Sparkling
        i                                       Game Changer of the Year
              Riyaaz Amlani is known for
        s     his  Midas  touch  with

        u     restaurants.

              In  his  former  role  as  the
        B     head  of  the  National

              Restaurant  Association  of
        a     India,  Riyaaz  Amlani  has

              been  working  closely  with

        i     officials  to  ensure  the
              restaurant business in India
        d     becomes less bureaucratic.

              The 42-year-old is known for having the Midas touch, with successes across
        n     India such as Mocha, Social, Smoke House Deli and Salt Water Cafe as part of

        I     his 14-year-old Impresario armoury. For this, he was presented with the Game
              changer of the Year title at Top Restaurant Awards.
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