Page 19 - Newsletter-Hotel & Hospitality industry
P. 19
h Zummo launches fresh juicer range
i The Zummo Nature range of fresh juice machines comprises four models.
e Supplier Zummo London has revealed the new Zummo Nature range of fresh juice
n machines, which features four models.
Comprising the Z1, Z06, Z14 and Z40, the range is said to quickly squeeze juice and
i provide theatre on countertops front of house.
s Design has also been taken into account in terms of finishes, with four colours
u The front covers of all the Efficient Vertical System that cleans the machine's
B Nature squeezers are made (EVS) utilising slotted balls filter by sweeping away any
with a pigmented and and blades with inserts to pulp and seeds, removing
a transparent acrylonitrile remove fruit peel. The result cleaning from the day-to-
butadiene styrene (ABS). is said to be increased day running of the machine.
This material is designed to durability and functionality, As well as keeping the
i be strong and provide simpler maintenance and m a c h i n e c l e a n , t h i s
d reliability and resilience, repairs, and up to a 10% technology should deliver a
better final product as juice
alongside giving each increase in juice.
n machine a subtle hue to An Auto Cleaning System, no longer has to travel by or
through pulp and seeds.
make the bright colours of
I each piece of citrus fruit designed to improve
shine through. The covers machine efficiency and help
are also BPA free. increase profitability, has
also been introduced. The
Each machine features an system uses a moving belt