Page 324 - YC Cooking School
P. 324

Sweet Treats


             Eight tips for lovely lemon curd

               1.  Lemon curd is essentially a lemony custard, made with eggs, sugar, butter, fruit
                   zest and juice – and like a custard, it’s usually cooked over a double boiler.

               2.  Lemon curd is delicious and extremely versatile. You can enjoy it dolloped onto
                   fresh scones or breakfast pancakes, served with shortbread fingers for dipping as a
                   ‘deconstructed lemon tart’ or as a filling for sponge cakes or lemon drizzle cakes. You

                   can even mix it into homemade ice cream!

               3.  To make grapefruit or lime curd, simply follow the same recipe, but switch the zest
                   and juice to the fruit of your choice.

               4.  Juicing citrus fruit can be time-consuming business. Take the grunt work out of this
                   by popping the fruit into the microwave for 20-30 seconds to warm up and soften.

               5.  For this recipe, low and slow is the key. If the water in the double boiler boils too
                   vigorously, the eggs in the curd will start to cook. It should take 20-25 minutes for the

                   mixture to thicken up to the consistency of runny custard. Don’t fret if you have a few
                   lumps in your curd – just strain them out before cooling.

               6.  You can also make lemon curd in a regular pot, without a double boiler. Just make
                   sure that you whisk the ingredients continuously in the pot while cooking over a low

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