Page 328 - YC Cooking School
P. 328

250g castor sugar
             1 Tbsp (15ml) cornflour

             2 free-range eggs, plus 2 extra free-range egg yolks


             Heatproof bowl
             Measuring jug
             Citrus reamer
             Mixing bowl
             Heavy-based pot
             Sterilised glass jam jars

             What to do:

               1.  Place all ingredients into a heatproof bowl and mix together lightly.
               2.  Place the bowl over a pot of gently simmering water (make sure the water is not
                   touching the bottom of the bowl) and whisk until everything is well combined.
               3.  Leave to cook for about 20 minutes, whisking or stirring from time to time, or until the
                   mixture has thickened to the consistency of runny custard. Note: Take care as the
                   lemon curd can curdle if not whisked every now and again.
               4.  Turn off the heat, remove the bowl from the pot and set aside to cool.
               5.  Pour into sterilised glass jam jars and refrigerate, once cooled completely.

             © Recipe copyright of Sarah Graham

             Learn to cook online at

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