Page 374 - YC Cooking School
P. 374
Easy Entertaining
The ins and outs of homemade sauces and dips
How to make a flop-proof mayonnaise
How does a mayonnaise work?
Another name for a mayonnaise is an emulsion. An emulsion is what happens when two
ingredients that ordinarily wouldn’t enjoy close quarters end up mixing together. Think
about oil and vinegar, for example. You can shake them up and for a few moments they
blend, before separating again. This is a temporary emulsion. To make a permanent
emulsion or mayonnaise, you’ll need vigorous mixing (with a whisk or food processor) plus
egg yolks, which in simple terms act as a binding agent, keeping the oil and water attached
to each other.
Use good quality ingredients
When making homemade mayonnaise, you want to use the best quality ingredients you can
get your hands on, especially when it comes to the eggs. This is particularly important
because you’ll be eating them raw. Olive oil has a strong flavour, and it’s best to use
unscented oil for this recipe. Rather opt for peanut oil, canola oil or sunflower oil. It’s
entirely up to you.
Separate your eggs carefully
You don’t want shells or egg white to make their way into your mayonnaise, so take care. It
helps to crack your eggs onto a wooden board. This gives you a good clean break, and
allows you to separate the eggs neatly.