Page 11 - Day of Action
P. 11

On the Day of Action                                                                                    After the Day of Action

                Begin your Day of Action with a whole               Whole school suggestions and opinions               Evaluate the feedback and data collected
                school assembly to set the scene. The               should be collected throughout the                  on the day. Use this to set further
                rest of the day could involve rotated               day. These could be captured through                actions.
                activities and focused topic lessons.               pledges, art projects, questionnaires,
                A typical Day of Action would involve               pictures or video. Remember to use the
                elements of investigation and data                  Day of Action hashtag to promote your               Celebrate and tell people what you have
                collecting, practical tasks and projects,           event on social media.                              done - write a press release, a news item
                presentations and feedback time.                                                                        for the website or school newsletter,
                                                                                                                        promote your activities on social media
                                                                    As well as the structured activities,               and let your local community know.
                Local experts could be invited to speak             throughout the day pupils could be asked
                on topics related to your chosen theme.             to take part in swop shops for books, toys
                Examples could include - recycling,                 or clothes. Your school may want to raise           Eco Schools Wales will share and
                composting, upcycling, food growing,                money by selling products made on the               promote your activities.
                food waste or rainwater harvesting.                 day or plants from the school garden.               Tell us on twitter @EcoSchoolsWales
                                                                                                                        or email a report of your day to your
                                                                                                                        Education Officer. You can use our
                                                                                                                        template case study report here
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