Page 10 - Day of Action
P. 10
Planning your Day of Action
Part of the aim of the Eco-Schools programme is to Before the Day of Action. Things you need to think about:
raise awareness of environmental issues and activities
– throughout the school and in the community – and
to make sure that as many people as possible have a The aim of your Day of Action How will you record the day? Delegate
chance to take part.
The date the responsibility to photo or movie
Where will it be held? Inside / outside / monitors and ask them to record all the
Organising a regular whole-school Day of Action is
an opportunity for everyone in the school – pupils, both? best bits. Other pupils could play the role
teachers and non-teaching staff – to get together to of young journalists.
work towards achieving some of the targets set out
in the school’s action plan. Days of Action need to be The Theme – Does it link with a national /
well planned to allocate responsibilities and to make international day? Who do you need to invite? -Speakers/
sure everybody knows about them. Are you raising funds? local journalist / local politicians or
Are you having a dress code? Assembly Members.
Involving the wider community brings a range of
benefits and wealth of knowledge and expertise
ready to be tapped into. Parents, neighbours, local Who do you need to involve? Make a list You may want to collect extra suggestions
businesses and the local authority can be sources of of teachers, other staff, adults from the from pupils or staff beforehand. A notice
advice, information, practical help and even money. school and wider community. board or suggestion box could be placed
somewhere prominent.
There is so much potential out in the community, as
well as an opportunity to create extra publicity and
raise the school profile. Who will plan, promote and run the Day
of Action? - Design a Day of Action
checklist to help you.