Page 26 - Pulse @ UM 2018
P. 26

UM ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR                                   NEWSFLASH
                                                                       University of Malaya
           Associate  Professor Dr Vijayapandy                      Excellence Awards 2017
        Pandy from the Department of Pharmacology
        was recently awarded the Mahatmad Ghandi
        Samman award in Bangkok for his academic                    We would like to congratulate all the
        excellence. The award is given to Non-Resident           winners from the Faculty of Medicine for
        Indians for Global Achievement.                          receiving the UM Excellence Award
                                                                 2017. Thank you for making us proud.
        CLINICAL MASTERS TRAINEE                                 EXCELLENT LECTURER
                                                                 EXCELLENT LECTURER
        EARNS MERCK DIABETES                                     Clinical
        AWARD                                                      Associate Professor Dr Muhammad
            Dr                                                     Yazid Jalaludin
                  Fu Mei Sian of the Department of
        Medicine received an award for her project on            Sciences & Technology
        diabetes treatment adherence using mHealth.                Associate Professor Dr Ivy Chung

                                                                 ACADEMIC S
        MICROBIOLOGISTS WINS                                     ACADEMIC STAFF WITH HIGHEST
                                                                 EXTERNAL RESEARCH GRANT
        MSIDC YOUNG INVESTIGATOR                                   Professor Dr Mohd Rais Mustafa

        AWARD                                                      Professor Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof
           Dr  Wong Won Fen from the Department
        of Microbiology received the Young Investigator          OUTSTANDING RESEARCHER
        Award from the Institute Merieux-Malaysian               UM YOUNG RESEARCHER
        Society  for  Infectious  Diseases  and                    Dr Tee Kok Keng
        Chemotherapy (MSIDC) which carries a
                                                                 RESEARCH SERVICE
        research grant prize of €10,000.                         RESEARCH SE
                                                                   Madam Siti Noraisah Ahmad Nasrah
        CONFERRED THE TOP                                        EXCELLENT SUPPORT STAFF
        RESEARCH SCIENTISTS                                      Grade 17 - 38
        MALAYSIA (TRSM) 2017 AWARD                                 Mr Kuhan a/l Krishhnan

                                                                   Madam Zura Syazleena Hamizan
           Professor Chua  Kek  Heng  from

        Department  of  Biomedical  Science  was
        conferred the Top Research Scientists Malaysia
        (TRSM) 2017 award.
                                                                   Madam Zubaidah Abu Hassan
                                                                 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
          Ageing and Age-Associated Disorders
                                                                   Dr Rusdi Abd. Rashid
          Research Group Receives Prestigious
          National        Institute       of      Health
                                                                 REWARD FOR UM STAFF -
          Research                  (NIHR)         Grant         PHD GRADU
                                                                 PHD GRADUATES 2016
               Professor Tan Maw Pin, Professor Chin
                                                                   Dr Hong Wei Han
          Ai-Vyrn,  and  Professor  Shahrul  B
                                                                   Dr Mukhri Bin Hamdan
          Kamaruzzaman,  from  the Ageing  and
          Age-Associated Disorders Research Group
          received the prestigious award from National
          Institute  of  Health  Research  (NIHR).


                       Pulse @ UM : A research bulletin from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
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