Page 46 - Employee Handbook - China
P. 46


                                                     SYSTEM (QMS)TRAINING

                                                     Audits & Inspections

                                                     Internal audits are carried out by Internal
                                                     Quality Auditors (IQA) specifically trained for
     In individual cases, training in the            QMS auditing. These audits ensure all procedures
     use of the QMS will be given to                 are being followed correctly and all QMS
     new employees shortly after                     documentation is being used fully. All
     joining MMR. All MMR staff are                  procedures are audited at least once a year to
     invited to any QMS seminars or                  meet the requirements of QMS standards. The
     communications which take place                 IQA will ask employees to assist with audits.
     at regular intervals to maintain an
     up to date understanding of the                 External inspections are carried out annually by
     procedures.                                     SGS Ltd. MMR employees are required to be in
                                                     the office if possible. The auditor will audit
                                                     procedures and departments and will require
                                                     assistance from MMR’s employees. Our ISO 9001
                                                     & ISO 20252 certificates are renewed every
                                                     three years.

        QMS Standards - How they affect your job

        The procedures and forms used at MMR will cover all
        documentation necessary for use before, during and at the
        end of a project. The Research team can find more details
        in the Project Management Checklist and the Project
        Management Templates folder. The documentation
        relevant for other teams can be found in their respective
        team folders.

        The forms should be filled in as they become necessary to
        get the most benefit from the QMS system. QMS forms are
        saved to the proposal/project files for future reference.

        All MMR staff are required to follow QMS standards and are
        responsible for correct use and filing of QMS forms relevant
        to their role within the company.

        The QMS procedures are continually updated, so if you
        have any suggestions about how the systems could be
        improved please let the Quality Manager know.

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