Page 4 - A Dreadful Accident
P. 4

A Dreadful Accident
             knew I was not supposed to play with matches;

          yet,  I  still  went  through  with  my  foolish  idea.

          To  be  honest,  I  remembered  it  as  if  it  had

          happened yesterday. It was a peaceful, quiet day

          and as usual, I was helping my mother cook lunch
          in the kitchen.

          When we had finished cutting up the vegetables,

          she  told  me  to  wait  for  her  to  finish  using  the

          bathroom.  As  expected,  she  warned  me  to  stay

          far away from the matches. Even though she had
          said that, my curious mind got the better of me.

          I  reluctantly  took  the  box  of  matches  off  the

          counter.  I  felt  excited  yet  anxious  about  what  I

          was  going  to  do.  Back  then,  to  me,  it  seemed

          quite  confusing  as  to  why  matches  were  so

          dangerous. After a few minutes of hesitation, I lit
          a match.

          As  I  was  admiring  the  flame, my mom suddenly

          shouted  in  a  panicky  voice,  “Didn’t  I  tell  you  to

          stay away from them?”

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