Page 6 - A Dreadful Accident
P. 6

A Dreadful Accident

          mom and she had shouted at me to just leave it

          until after we had finished making lunch.

          Now  we  both  shrieked  as  the  flames  spread

          quickly around. I threw the kitchen towels on the

          flame to try to put it out but instead, they caught
          fire too.

          My mom shouted at me to stop doing nonsense.

          She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the

          house.  When we were outside, she shouted that

          we needed to get water to put out the fire.

          We  ran  to  the  back  of  the  house  where  the

          buckets were and went by the pipe to fetch some

          water.  It  took  a  while  to  fill  the  buckets.  All  the

          while, we were anxiously looking for any signs of

          smoke  coming  out  of  the  kitchen  window  and

          hoping that it would not spread too much.

          Once the buckets were full, we ran as though our

          lives depended on it.  When we were outside the

          house, we tried to open the door but it would not


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