Page 8 - A Dreadful Accident
P. 8

A Dreadful Accident

         The adrenaline rose in me. This was all my fault. I

         shouted  at  her  to  try  the  door  again  and  helped

         her to push against it. The door flew open and we
         rushed in.   I  didn’t  even  think  twice  as  I  followed

         her  into  the  kitchen.  Although  the  fire  had

         definitely  spread,  fortunately,  it  was  not  that  big.

         We    quickly  put  it  out  by  pouring  the  water  that

         was left in our buckets over the carpet. The smoke
         from the dying fire burned our eyes and started to

         bring on a cough. My throat was also feeling dry.

         My  mom  opened  the  door  to  let  fresh  air  pass

         through the room.

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