Page 6 - Chronicles of a Grenadian American Boy in Turks & Caicos Islands_Neat
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Chronicles of a Grenadian American Boy in Turks & Caicos Islands

                   Chapter 2: Grenadian Beginnings

          Daycare  began  in  scary  fashion,  but  quickly

          became a fun experience. Grenadians are known
          for  their  relaxed  and  friendly  nature,  and  my

          caregivers were now referred to as my aunties!!!

          Two years flew by quickly, and it was towards the

          end  of  that  period  that  my  dad  received  a  job

          offer in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

          A  new  and  exciting,  yet  scary  adventure  started

          because my family was now expanding. We flew

          back  to  Florida  to  welcome  my  sister,  Eden,  but

          this  time  Dad  was not present  because  of a  job

          offer he accepted in the Turks and Caicos.

          After my beautiful sister was born, mom, my sister

          and I went back to the “Spice Island” before join-

          ing Dad six months later in the Turks and Caicos

          Islands.  Flying  into  Providenciales,  Turks  and

          Caicos  in  the  night  was  a  magnificent  sight;  my
          imagination  was  greeted  with  a  surprise.  Still,

          many thoughts wandered in my mind.

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