Page 66 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 66



                  For                       JCIDC


                  MADISON IS A CITY ON THE MOVE,
                  AND THE JEFFERSON COUNTY
                  CORPORATION (JCIDC) IS ONE
                  COMPONENT OF THE ENGINE
                  DRIVING US INTO THE FUTURE.


                   s a strategic partner with the Madison Area   high school. Those who are more interested in entering
                   Chamber of Commerce, JCIDC works hard to   the workforce also may earn certifications that allow
           Apromote our area as a great location for busi-   them to start working right after graduation in welding,
            ness and industry. They provide business planning and   industrial maintenance, nursing, and other well-pay-
            consultation services to new and emerging businesses,   ing careers. The Hanover College technology initiative
            aggregating the resources for growth provided by state   partnership, while separate from the Cub Manufacturing
            partners, including the Indiana Small Business Develop-  and Ivy Tech programs, is designed to utilize engineering
            ment Center, the Indiana Economic Development Corpo-  students to help test and prove out business technology
            ration, and the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.   ideas, with the hopes of inspiring entrepreneurs to locate
                                                             and stay in the Madison area.
                                                             REUSING LOCAL ASSETS
              JCIDC manages a 55-acre state-certified shovel-ready
            industrial park located on Madison’s hilltop. With all   Since the City of Madison was designated one of Indi-
            utilities in place on city-owned land, a new or relocating   ana’s Stellar Communities in 2017, JCIDC has been part
            company could be up and running in a very short time.   of the team, working hard to bring long-needed projects
            It also coordinates state and local incentives for business   to fruition. It worked with state and local government to
            and industry to assist with expansion needs.     help developers launch projects. These projects include a
                                                             new housing complex in the former Tower Tack Factory
                                                             on the west end of downtown, a boutique hotel in the
              JCIDC has partnered with Madison Consolidated   1884 Eagle Cotton Mill on the riverfront on the east end,
            Schools, Ivy Tech Community College–Madison Campus,   and a new purpose for Armor Metals, a facility on Clifty
            and Hanover College to create and enhance education   Drive that has stood empty for a decade.
            pathways that lead high school students into careers after
                                                             SUPPORTING COMMERCE
            graduation. Cub Manufacturing, for example, was a pro-
            gram started through JCIDC. It is a student-run business   Our area’s local industrial base has never been
            at Madison Consolidated High School that teaches stu-  stronger, with numerous expansions in 2018 and more
            dents a hands-on approach to skills such as welding and   to come in 2019. Several companies have their national
            industrial maintenance. The JCIDC partnership through   and international headquarters here. Our pro-business
            Cub Manufacturing with Ivy Tech offers area students   attitude and renowned quality of life are major incentives
            dual credits—a chance to complete their first year of   to come to Madison and let us make your business dream
            college (or first two years) by the time they graduate from   a reality. 

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