Page 68 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 68


            A family’s multi-generational commitment to

            the vehicle and transportation

            lighting industry.

              Innovation has been the hallmark of Grote Industries   INTERNATIONAL PRESENCE
            since 1901. From durable, easy-to-see stop lights to the
                                                              Today, Grote employs thousands of workers in its
            latest in LED lighting technology, Grote has been leading
                                                            main Madison headquarters, as well as locations in
            the way in advanced vehicle system solutions from
                                                            Waterloo and Markham, Canada; Bogen, Germany;
            early in the last century right up to today. With these
                                                            Monterrey, Mexico; and its two newest locations in
            cutting edge ideas, Grote has helped millions of people
                                                            China, Shanghai and Zhuzhou.
            throughout North America and the world benefit from
                                                              Grote has called Madison its international home and
            the design excellence of Grote products.
                                                            headquarters for more than 60 years. As a proud corpo-
            A LONG LEGACY                                   rate member of the community, Grote not only employs
              William Grote started the company at the turn of   a large segment of the Jefferson County, Indiana, popula-
            the 20  century. Grote’s legacy of original thinking and   tion, but also contributes to charitable and philanthropic
            visionary leadership was established by its founder.   causes on a regular basis in the region.
            Early in the life of the growing young company, William
                                                            GIVING BACK
            Grote demonstrated his capacity for innovation. While
            exploring Europe for new technologies, Grote brought   Because of its status in the Madison community,
            the first plastic injection molding machines to the USA.   Grote has the honor of donating its time, its employee’s
            Shortly thereafter, Grote became the first producer of   time and talents, and generous monetary contributions
            plastic products in the United States.          to numerous organizations. A hallmark of Grote’s phil-
              During the 1920’s, the company shifted its focus to   anthropic endeavors is The Grote Lamplighter Club. In
            making products for the automotive market. At that   existence for more than 40 years, Lamplighters—made
            point, Grote embarked on a program of research and   up entirely of a group of salary employees at Grote
            development that has led the industry in vehicle safety   Industries—is a non-profit that raises money for charity
            equipment. Not content to simply follow the trends,   each year. Past organizations that have received char-
            Grote helped define the direction of automotive lighting   itable donations from The Lamplighters Club include
            and design, setting the pace for better methods and high-  the Lide White Memorial Boys and Girls Club, Voices
            er standards of safety through a continued commitment   For Children, The Salvation Army, Habitat for Human-
            to innovation.                                  ity, Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, Pathways Youth and
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