Page 321 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 321



                        A                 turo of English prisoners at, 219;
             Acheen, Lancaster visits, 43   condemnation of English pris­
             Aden, Captain Alexander Shar-   oners at, 226; execution of
              peigh imprisoned at, 67; de­  English prisoners at, 234; in­
              scription of, 92; Jourdain’s   dignation in England at the        =
              account of, 95; Sir Henry   Massacre of, 236; belated
              Middleton’s fleet at, 98   compensation for the Massacre
             Adventurers in India, a group of,  of, 237 ; what was the Tragedy
              165                        of, 238
             Agha Mahommcd Zaman, Mogul   Angediva, English military force       “ -
              Viceroy of Bengal, 275     encamp on, 267
             Agra, William Hawkins proceeds   Anjengo, birthplace of Sterne’s,   I
              to, 67, 78; description of, 78;   Eliza, 316                      f
              English chaplain at, 127; life   Aqua Vitaj given to Mocha guards,
              at in Jehangir’s reign, 133;   107
              Steele’s scheme for waterworks   Arabia, English captives in, 91
              at, 166                  Armada, Defeat of the Spanish,
             Ahmcdabad, Roe proceeds to,   19, 181
              164;   terrible outbreak of  Asaf Khan, Jehangir’s favourite,
              plague at, 174             137; dilatory tactics of, 144;
            Ajmere, Sir Thomas Roe sets out   assists the designs of Roe, 162
              for, 135; Jahangir quits, 147   Ascension, The, 40, 93, 98
            Aldworth, Thomas, at Surat, 83,   Assab Bay, Downton takes his
              123, 128                   ships to, 106
            Alexander Vi’s, Pope, decree   Atlantic storms, terrific character
              dividing the world, 19     of, 24                                 t
            Ambassador to the Great Mogul,   Aungier, Gerald, founder of Bom­
              Sir Thomas Roe appointed as,  bay, 270
              133                      Aurungzebo grants the East India
            Amboina, Steven Cotecls, Dutch   Company now privileges, 269;
              Resident at, 182; English   accession of has injurious effect
              ships in tho Straits of, 187;   on the English, 277; effects a
              Black Tragedy of, 209 ; English   reconciliation with the English,  i'
              factory at, 211; beautiful situa­  303
              tion of, 213; description of
              Fort Victoria at, 214 ; opening
              incident of the tragedy of, 214;     B
              Abel Price tortured and “ con­  Bab-el-Mandeb, Straits of, block­
              fesses ” at, 216; arrest of   aded by Saris, 112
              Gabriel Toworson and tho other   Baffin, William, killed at Kishm,
              English residents of, 218; tor­  251
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