Page 322 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 322
Balasor, factory established at, Dutch fleet attacks, 258; a
276; Thomas Pitt at, 286; Dutch iconoclast at, 260 ; Cap
sacked by the English, 296 tain John Hall’s favourable ac
Ball, George, conducts an expedi count of, 262; Surat Council
tion to the Moluccas, 186 ; pro urge occupation of, 263; part
tests against the Dutch pro of the dower of Charles II’s
clamation, 196 bride, 265; expedition to
Banca, Sir Edward Michelborne, occupy island of, 266; Viceroy of
attacked by pirates off, 58 Goa declines to hand over, 267;
Banda, Keeling establishes a fac transfer of from the Portuguese,
tory at, 67 ; inhabitants of im 267 ; transferred to the East
plore assistance, 186; Dutch India Company, 269; Gerald
defeat at, 187 Aungier’s successful adminis
Bantam, Lancaster visits, 51; tration of, 270 ; population of,
John Middleton dies at, 52; 271; description of, 272 ; seat
Captain David Middleton gets of Government transferred to,
a rich lading at, 68; Trade's 301
Increase destroyed by fire at, Botelho, Admiral, evades the
114; death of Sir Henry English and Dutch fleet, 259
Middleton at, 114; desperate Boughton, Gabriel, obtains trading
condition of the English at, privileges for the English, 276
185; expulsion of the English Brazil, Fenton’s piratical raid
from, 239 along the coast of, 20; Lan
Barker’s, Edmund, account of caster’s expedition to, 29
Lancaster’s first voyage to the Brown, Robert, a prisoner of
East, 25 Amboina, 218
Batavia {see also Jakatra) dis Buckingham, Duke of, believed
sensions between English and to have been bribed by the
Dutch at, 210; indignation of Dutch, 237
English Colony at, at “ The Burhanpur, Sir Thomas Roe
Massacre of Amboina,” 235 arrives at, 135
Bear, galleon, 20
Beaufort, The, 296 C
Bengal, first English expedition Calcutta founded by Job Char-
to, 275 ; Hedges sent as Agent nock, 290; character of sito
to, 283 of, 305
Benton, William, narrative of, of Cambello, 187, 211
first English expedition to Ben Cannanore captured by the Dutch,
gal, 275 264
Beomont, John, a prisoner of Cape of Good Hope, storms off
Amboina, 218 the, 24; first known as the
Best, Captain Thomas, arrives at Cape of Torments, 42
Surat, 117; early history of, Carlmilhan, the, 42
117; disposition of, 118; Carpentier, General, Coon’s in
addresses the crew of the structions to, 210 ; comments
Osiander, 119; engages the of on “The Massacre of Am
Portuguese fleet off Surat and boina,” 235 ; views of concern
defeats it, 120; obtains firman ing the English connection, 257
to trade, 122 Cartwright opens up a trade with
Blyth, Captain, conducts fleet Bengal, 275
to Persian Gulf, 248 Cassarian, David, Master of the
Bombay, combined English and Solomon, captured 197