Page 323 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 323
Cassimbazar, factory established Concord, The, 186
at, 277 Connock, Edward, appointed fac
Cavendish’s voyage round the tor in Persia, 214
world, 18, 22 Constantinople, the gate of the
Ceram, Jourdain visits, 183; East, 30
English factories on, 211 Cooko, Humphroy, fortifies Bom
Ceylon, Lancaster’s ships pass, bay, 267
27 ; Portuguese occupation of, Copeland, Rev. Patrick, makes tho
241; Dutch capture, 264 first Indian convert, 311
“ Chamber of Horrors,” Amboina, Comet player, English, wins dis
220, 224 tinction in India, 70
Chaplains, Indian, 71, 128, 311 Coromandel Coast, site for a fac
Charles II marries the Infanta of tory obtained on the, 263
Portugal, 265 ; transfers Bom Coryat, Thomas, an cccentrio
bay to the East India Com adventurer, 167; travels of,
pany, 269 168; received by Jehangir, 169 ;
Chamock, Job, founds Calcutta, death of, 173 i
290 ; early career of, 291; de Coteels, Steven, Dutch resident at
fends Hooghly, 293 ; retires to Amboina, 182 .
Hijili, 296 ; besieged by Mogul Coulson, Samuel, a prisoner of
troops, 297 ; removes his head Amboina, 218 ; protestation of
quarters to Sutanuti, 300; innocence, 231; prayer upon
superseded, 301; re-installed the scaffold, 233
at Calcutta, 304 ; death of, 306 ; Courthope, Nathaniel, conducts •*
character of, 306 an expedition to the Moluccas,
Charter granted to the East India 189; obtains cession of Poolo
Company by Elizabeth, 37 Roon, 190 ; establishes a forti
Child, Sir John, appointed Gover fied camp at Nailaka, 193;
nor General, 304 has interview with Laurence
China, abortive expedition to, 33 Reaal, 193; deolines Reaal’s
Chittagong, proposed occupation offer, 194; perilous position of,
of, 301 199, gallant death of, 208 ;
Clark, John, a prisoner of Am noble character of, 208
boina, 218 Cromwell grants privileges to 1
Clove, The, 113, 187 East India Company, 277
Cochin captured by the Dutch, 264 Cromwell’s daughter and Don
Coco-de-mer identified by Gordon Alfonso, suggested marriage
with the Forbidden Fruit, 94 between, 265
Coen, Jan Pietorsoon, Jourdain’s Cumberland, George, Earl of, 37 '
interview with, 183 ; arch enemy i
of the English, 206 ; commands
the Dutch fleet in the fight off
f D
Jakatra, 202 ; firmly re-estab
lishes Dutch power at Jakatra, Dabul, Sir Henry Middleton takes
206 ; implacable policy of, 210, his fleot to, 111
212 Dacca, English agents at released,
Cokayno, George, faotor at 302
Macassar, 185, 186 Dalo, Sir Thomas, conducts an
Collings, Edward, a prisoner of expedition against the Dutoh,
Amboina, 218 199 ; oarly career of, 200 ; cap
Commercial expansion in the tures the Zwarte Leeuw, 200 ;
East, 30 attaoks the Dutoh fleet, 201 ;