Page 323 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
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INDEX                     321

             Cassimbazar, factory established   Concord, The, 186
               at, 277                  Connock, Edward, appointed fac­
             Cavendish’s voyage round the   tor in Persia, 214
               world, 18, 22            Constantinople, the gate of the
             Ceram, Jourdain visits, 183;  East, 30
               English factories on, 211   Cooko, Humphroy, fortifies Bom­
             Ceylon, Lancaster’s ships pass,   bay, 267
               27 ; Portuguese occupation of,   Copeland, Rev. Patrick, makes tho
               241; Dutch capture, 264    first Indian convert, 311
              “ Chamber of Horrors,” Amboina,   Comet player, English, wins dis­
               220, 224                   tinction in India, 70
             Chaplains, Indian, 71, 128, 311   Coromandel Coast, site for a fac­
              Charles II marries the Infanta of   tory obtained on the, 263
               Portugal, 265 ; transfers Bom­  Coryat, Thomas, an cccentrio
               bay to the East India Com­  adventurer, 167; travels of,
               pany, 269                  168; received by Jehangir, 169 ;
              Chamock, Job, founds Calcutta,   death of, 173                    i
               290 ; early career of, 291; de­  Coteels, Steven, Dutch resident at
               fends Hooghly, 293 ; retires to   Amboina, 182                   .
               Hijili, 296 ; besieged by Mogul   Coulson, Samuel, a prisoner of
               troops, 297 ; removes his head­  Amboina, 218 ; protestation of
               quarters to Sutanuti, 300;   innocence, 231; prayer upon
               superseded, 301; re-installed   the scaffold, 233
               at Calcutta, 304 ; death of, 306 ;   Courthope, Nathaniel, conducts   •*
               character of, 306          an expedition to the Moluccas,
              Charter granted to the East India   189; obtains cession of Poolo
               Company by Elizabeth, 37   Roon, 190 ; establishes a forti­
              Child, Sir John, appointed Gover­  fied camp at Nailaka, 193;
               nor General, 304           has interview with Laurence
              China, abortive expedition to, 33   Reaal, 193; deolines Reaal’s
              Chittagong, proposed occupation   offer, 194; perilous position of,
               of, 301                    199, gallant death of, 208 ;
              Clark, John, a prisoner of Am­  noble character of, 208
               boina, 218                Cromwell grants privileges to          1
              Clove, The, 113, 187        East India Company, 277
              Cochin captured by the Dutch, 264   Cromwell’s daughter and Don
              Coco-de-mer identified by Gordon   Alfonso, suggested marriage
               with the Forbidden Fruit, 94   between, 265
              Coen, Jan Pietorsoon, Jourdain’s   Cumberland, George, Earl of, 37  '
               interview with, 183 ; arch enemy                                 i
                of the English, 206 ; commands
                the Dutch fleet in the fight off
  f                                                 D
                Jakatra, 202 ; firmly re-estab­
                lishes Dutch power at Jakatra,   Dabul, Sir Henry Middleton takes
                206 ; implacable policy of, 210,   his fleot to, 111
                212                      Dacca, English agents at released,
              Cokayno, George, faotor at   302
                Macassar, 185, 186       Dalo, Sir Thomas, conducts an
              Collings, Edward, a prisoner of  expedition against the Dutoh,
                Amboina, 218              199 ; oarly career of, 200 ; cap­
              Commercial expansion in the   tures the Zwarte Leeuw, 200  ;
                East, 30                  attaoks the Dutoh fleet, 201  ;


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