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                   320                   INDEX
                     England, 53 ; magnificent suc­  Mandu, Jehangir establishes his
                     cess of his voyago, 54    Court at, 152                       1
                   Langhomo, Sir William, appointed   Mare Scourge, The, 40
                     to investigate Winter’s coup   Markham’s, Sir Clement, opinion
                     d'ttat in Madras, 281     of John Davis, 38
                   Larica, English faotory at, 211   Marlborough, James Ley, Earl of,
                   Lecdcs, W., 30              commands expedition for the
                   Loioo3tor, Earl of, organizes an   occupation of Bombay, 266
                     expedition to tho East, 19   Mastiffs presented to Jehangir,
                   Lescar, or Imperial Camp, splen­  157
                     dours of the, 149        Merchant Royal, The, 24
                   Leytimor, 214              Merchant's Hope, The, 124, 125
                   Lion, The, 252             Mossa, or Grand Cairo, lottors for­
                   Literature on tho East India Com­  warded by way of, from Mocha,
                     pany’s ships, 70          111
                   London, Tho, 247           Michelbomo, Sir Edward, a rival
                   Lonthor, 187, 190           of Lancaster, 38 ; conducts an
                   Lord Treasurer appealed to for   expedition to tho East, 56;
                     redress against tho Dutch, 182   falls in with Japancso pirates,
                   Lottery, a fateful, 228     59; desperate fight, 61; re­
                   Luhu, Jourdain applies for a site   turns home, 64
                     for a factory at, 183; sito for   Michick, Cevice, Japanese victim
                     a factory offered at, 187 ; Eng­  at Amboina, 215
                     lish factory at, 211     Middleton, David, 67; successful
                                               expedition of to the Moluccas,
                                               68, 113, 182
                                              Middleton, John, dies at Bantam.,
                   Macbeth, allusion to Fitoh’a travels   Middloton, Sir Henry, early life of,
                     in, 32                    66 ; conducts an expedition to
                   Maccasar, factory established at   tho Moluccas, 67; arrives at
                     by Jourdain, 185          Surat, 89 ; arrives with his fleet
                   Madagascar, Lancaster’s fleet   at Aden, 98 ; arrives at Mocha,
                     visits, 43                100; taken prisoner, 102;
                   Madras (Fort St. George) founded,   quarrels with Downton, 106;
                     263, 274; Thomas Pitt ap­  escapes from captivity, 107;
                     pointed President of, 286;   seizes an Indian ship at Mocha,
                     English withdrawn to from   109; concludes peace with Shah-
                     Bengal, 303               bunder of Mocha, 110; pro­
                   Magellan, Straits of, Cavendish   ceeds to India, 111; blockades
                     proceeds through the, 22   Aden, 112; proceeds to Ban­
                    Makarrab Khan, history of, 75;   tam, 113 ; dies at Bantam, 114 ;
                     intrigues against Hawkins, 89;   character of, 114 ; effect of the
                     falls from power, 119 ; besieges   influence of, with the Indian
                     Damaun, 123; seeks aid of   traders, 177; visit of, to the
                     Downton’s fleet, 124; aids Sir   Moluccas, 181
                     Thomas Roe, 139          Mir Jumlah, threatens tho Eng­
                    Malacca, fight between Dutch   lish, 277
                     and Portuguese off, 180   Mocha, Captain Alexander Shar-
                    Malacca, Straits of, Lancaster   peigh visits, 67 ; Jourdain pro­
                     visits the, 26, 43        ceeds overland to, 97 ; Middle­
                    Malaya, first British buried in, 27  ton’s fleet arrives at, 99 ; Eng-
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