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  I                323                    INDEX

                   Poolo Ai, protest of natives of,       R
                     against Dutch oppression, 186 ;   Raffles, Sir T. S., on tho Spico
                     Dutch and English fleots off,   Islands, 179
                     1S8                      Rajapur, proposed retirement of
                   Poolo Roon, Courthopo obtains   tho English to, 2G3
                     cession of, 190 ; retrocession of,   Raleigh, Sir Walter, founds tho
                     239 ; final occupation of by the   Colony of Virginia, 21
                     Dutch, 239               Ramsey, Ephraim, a prisoner of       !
                   Portugal and England, conclusion   Amboina, 218
                     of peace between, 263    Raymond, George, commands ex­
                   Portugal and Holland, disastrous   pedition to tho East, 23; is
     1               effect of war between, 264   lost in a storm oil the Cape, 24
                   Portugal and Spain, grievous   Reaal, Laurence, Dutch Governor-
                     wrongs inflicted on the English   General, seeks composition with
                     by, 29                     Courthopo, 193; issues pro­
                   Portugal and the Spice Islands,   clamation against tho English,
                     179                        195; demands the evacuation
                   Portuguese fleet defeated off   of Poolo Roon, 19G
                     Surat by Best, 120       Recife, Lancaster’s attack on, 29
                   Portuguese fleet defeated off   Red Dragon, Tho, 40, 52, 117
                     Surat by Downton, 127    Red Soa, Sir Henry Middleton
                   Portuguese in the Persian Gulf,   returns to the, 112
                     241, 245                 Red Sea Trade in ancient times, 92
                   Portuguese, Mogul Government   Rejib Aga, makes Sharpeigh
                     declares war against, 123   captive at Aden, 96; plays the
                    Portuguese opposition to the   confidcnco trick on Sir Henry
                     English, at Acheen, 47; in   Middleton at Mocha, 100;
                     India, 65, 75, 111, 116, 120,   directs attack on tho English,
                     124, 240                   102 ; begins to “ sing a new
                    Portuguese ships captured in   song,” 109; poisons Laurence
                     the Straits of Malacca by Lan­  Feraell, 110
                     caster, 27, 49           Religious observances of the Com­
                    Powle, John, a prisoner of Am-   pany’s servants, 71, 310
                     boina, 218               Roe, Sir Thomas, selected as
                    Preachers on the East India Com­  Ambassador to Jehangir, 133;
                     pany’s ships, 71           ancestry of, 133; arrives at
                    Presents intercepted by Jehangir,   Surat, 135 ; received by Jehan­
                      154                       gir, 135; opposed by Prince
                    Priaman, Lancaster visits, 51   Khurrum, 137; forbidden to
                    Price, Abel, a prisoner at Am-   visit the Court, 138 ; is restored
                     boina, 216; under torture im­  to favour, 139; Jehangir’s
                     plicates his colleagues in a   liking for, 140 ; presents minia­
                     charge of conspiracy, 217   tures to Jehangir, 141 ; is
                    Prince Henry, at the christening   present at one of Jehangir’s
     \\              of the Trade's Increase, 169;   drinking bouts, 142; horrified
                     godfather to Sir Robert Shir­  by an instance of Jehangir’s
                     ley’s son, 243             cruelty, 143; presses for a
                    Psalm Book at tho Hague, a relio   treaty, 145; views of as to
                     of Amboina, 230            permanent representation at the
                    Psalm sung by Lancaster’s men   Mogul Court, 145; describes
     \               before the King of Acheen, 51   Jehangir’s departure from
                    Purchas’s opinion of Downton, 129  Ajmero, 147; describes the
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