Page 333 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 333

INDEX                     331

                 Webber, William, a prisoner of   Wood’s, Captain Bonjarain, disas­
                   Amboina, 2IS               trous voyage to China, 33
                 Weddell, Captain, in command
                   of ship in the Persian Gulf, 218
                 West Indies, Lancaster visits the,     X
                 Western India, Captain Shar-   Xavier, St. Francis, shrine of, 241
                   pcigh’s ship wrecked on the
                   coast of, 08
                 Wctherall, John, a prisoner of         Z
                   Amboina, 218             Zanzibar, James Lancaster lands
                 Winter, Sir Edward, appointed to   at, 25
                   reorganize Company’s factories   Zulfikar Khan, Prince Khurrum’s
                   in Madras and Bengal, 27S;   favourite, 132 ; places obstacles
                   superseded by George Eoxcroft,   in tho way of Sir Thomas Roe’s
                   278; deposes Eoxcroft, 280 ;   mission, 135 ; Makarrab Khan,
                   surrender of to a lloyal Com­  a rival of, 139
                   missioner, 2S1; returns to   Zxvartc Lccuw (Black lion) cap­
                   England, 282               tured by Dale, 20 G




                        Printed by Butler <5- Tanner, Ftome and London.

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