Page 331 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
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splendours of fcho Imperial Saris, Captain John, in tho Red
Camp, 149; relates curious Sea, 112
anccdoto of Jehangir’s behaviour Scotchmen in tho East India
to a fakir or dovotco, 151; ill Company’s service, 218
ness of, 152 ; arrives with the Scurvy, the “ disease of tho sea,”
Imperial Camp at Mandu, 153 ; 24, 42
strange interview of with Jo- Seychelles, Tho, Sharpeigh’s fleet
hangir relative to presents, 154; at, 94
witnesses the ceremony of weigh Shah Abbas, employs Sir Robert
ing the Emperor against gold, Shirley, 242; grants English
158 ; arrogant conduct of Prince firman to trado, 214; declares
Khurrum to, 159 ; secures the war against tho Portuguese, 247
aid of Asaf Khan and Noor Shah Jchan, Emporor (see Princo
Mahal, 161; is reconciled to Khurrum)
Prince Khurrum, 162; pro Shah Johan’s daughter, romantic
ceeds to Ahmedabad, 164 ; falls story concerning, 276
under Jehangir’s displeasure, Shahbundcr of Mocha arranges
173 ; secures a firman to trade, terms of peace, 110
174; quits India, 175; death Shakespeare alludes to Fitch’s
of, 175; importance of his travols in Macbeth, 32
work, 175. Shariyar, Princo, 161
Roebuck, The, 247 Sharpoigh, Captain Alexander,
Rogers, the Rev. Peter, attacks establishes relations with
Downton, 127; character of, 311 Mocha, 67; disaster of, 68;
Roscngyn, 190 at Aden, 93
Rotterdam, The, 231 Sharrock, George, a prisoner of
Ruy Froiro de Andrade conducts Amboina, 218
an expedition to the Persian Shayista Khan declares war
Gulf, 246; surrenders to the against the English, 295
English at Kishm, 252; escapes, Shilling, Captain, attacked by tho
258 Portuguese fleet, 247; death
of, 248
S Shipman, Sir Abraham, com
Sacrament denied to the Amboina mands military in the Bombay
prisoners, 228 expedition, 267
Sadler, John, a prisoner of Am Sillebar, Sir Edward Michelbome
i boina, 218 visits, 57
I St. Helena, Fenton’s project for Sivaji attacks Surat, 269
! the annexation of, 20; Lan Soamo, Sir Stephen, presides at
caster visits, 27 tho East India Company’s first
St. John’s Churchyard, Calcutta, meeting, 37
Job Chamock’8 tomb in, 306 Socotra, Sharpeigh’s fleot at, 94
Saldania, the old name of the Solomon, The, attacked and cap
Cape of Good Hope, 24 tured by the Dutch, 197
Salmon, The, 124 Spanish Armada, defeat of, 19,181
Sampson, The, 206 Speedwell, The, 186
I San Pedro destroyed at Ormuz, Spice Islands, historic import
253 ance of tho, 179
Sana, Jourdain and Glasscock Spice Trade, The, 43, 177
travel to from Aden, 97; Sir Starkey, William, opens a factory
Henry Middleton and his men in tho Moluccas, 52
in captivity at, 105 Steele, Mrs. 129
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