Page 332 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 332
Steele, Richard, schomo for wator- Tiger's Whelp, The, 57
works at Agra, ICO; journey Torturo at Amboina, description
through Persia, 214 of the, 219
Sterne’s, Eliza, bom at Anjengo, Towerson, Gabriel, marries Mrs
31G William Hawkins, 90 ; in prin
Stevens, Thomas, probably the cipal charge at Amboina, 211
first Englishman to visit India, character of, 212; arrest of
31 2IS; protests his innocence
Story, J., 30 223 ; last hours of, 231; cxe
Sunda Straits, Lancaster decides cution of, 234
to rotum b}7 the, 50; Dutch Trade's Increase, The, christened
1 ships warned in the, 204 by Jaraos I, 69 ; at Aden, 99 ;
Surat, Keeling visits, 67 ; William runs aground at Mocha, 100;
Hawkins arrives at, 74 ; Makar- at Assab Bay, 108 ; destroyed
rab Khan, Governor of, 75; by firo at Bantam, 114 ; sick
Sir Henry Middleton arrives at, ness amongst tho crew of, 185
89 ; Best arrives at, 117 ; Best Tragedy of Amboina, What was
defeats tho Portuguese off, 120 ; tho, 238
Downton defeats tho Portuguese Treaty of Defence concluded, 209
off, 127; Sir Thomas Roo Treaty of Westminster concluded,
arrives at, 135 ; Thomas Coryat 237
dies at, 173; Van Speult dies ^Trully, Robert, the comet-player
at, 237 ; fight between English at Jehangir’s Court, 165
and Portuguese near, 261; *•
Council at, urge occupation of U
Bombay, 263; attacked by
h Sivaji, 269; seat of Govern Ulubaria, English occupy, 300
Union, The, 68, 93
ment transferred from, to Bom
! bay, 304; Company’s factory
at, 310 v
Susan, Tho, 40
Sutanuti, English occupation of, Van der Borg, a prisoner of the
' 296, 301 Inquisition at Goa, 260
Swally Roads, 120, 125 Van Speult, Herman, Dutch
Swan, The, 189, 191 Governor of Amboina, character
Swos (Suez), trade with in the of, 212 ; despatch of, concerning
eighteenth century, 106 conspiracy charge, 215; chal
lenges tho accuracy of the Eng
lish account of the torturo of
prisoners, 214; dies at Surat,
Temate, King of, Dutch conclude 237
!* treaties with the, 180; Jour- Venetian monopoly of Eastern
dain referred to the, 183 markets, 33
Tero7, Rev. Edward, received in Virginia, Colony of, foimded by
friendly fashion by Jehangir, Sir Walter Raleigh, 21
154; describes William Hem-
sell, Jehangir’s coaohman, 166 w
Thomassin, The, 187
-a i. Thomson, Emanuel, a prisoner of Waghom, Lieutenant, and Over
i Amboina, 218; speech of, upon land Route, 111
the scaffold, 234 Waterworks Scheme for Agra, pro
Tiger, The, Micholbomo’s ship, 67 moted by Richard Steole, 166