Page 327 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
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INDEX                     325

                         Jask offered to the English by   from tho Moluccas by tho Dutch,
                          Shah Abbas, 245; Captain   185; establishes a factory at
                          Shilling buried at, 248    Macassar, 185 ; despatches ex­
                         Johangir, the Emperor, William   pedition to Panda, 187 ; sends
                          Hawkins proceeds to tho Court   a further expedition to tho
                          of, 67 ; James I’s letter to, 73 ;   Moluccas, 189; proceeds to-
                          nominates Makarrab Khan to   Patani with the Hound and
                          the Government of Surat, 76;   the Sampson, 206; killed in a
                          character of, 79 ; receives Haw   fight with the Dutch, 206
                          kins in friendly fashion, SI;
                          appoints Hawkins to a Court
                          office, 82 ; finds a wife for Haw­   K
                          kins, 83; durbars of, 84;   Keeling, Captain William, com­
                          drinking bouts of, 85,142; main­
                          tains a Court reporter, 86;   mander of tho third voyage to
                                                     the East, 67 ; discourse of to
                          cruelty of, 87, 143; degrades   tho men in his fleet, 71; visit
                          Hawkins, 89 ; Sir Thomas Roo   of to the Moluccas, 181
                          despatched on a mission to, 133 ;   Khurrum, Prince (afterwards tho
                          receives Sir Thomas Roe, 135;   Emperor Shah Johan), inimical
                          shows friendship to Roe, 139;   to the English, 131; opposes Sir
                          discusses artistic questions with   Thomas Roe, 137 ; treats with
                          Roe, 139; and Roe’s miniatures,   scorn Roe’s application for a
                          141;  quits Ajmere, 147 ;
                          splendours of the camp of,   treaty, 145 ; returns in triumph
                                                     from his campaign, 159 ; arro­
                          149 ; and tho fakir, 151; re­  gant conduct of towards Roe,
                          gard of for Roe, 152; estab­  159; devotion of to Mumtaz
                          lishes his Court at Mandu, 152 ;   Mahal, 161; is reconciled to
                          has curious interview with Roe   Roe, 162 ; opposes the English
                          relative to presents, 154; is   in durbar, 163; gives tho
                          weighed against gold, 158;   English trading privileges, 174
            \             receives Prince Khurrum on his   Kishm, English attack on, 250
                          return from war, 159 ; upbraids
                          Prince Khurrum for his hostility
                          to Roo, 164; receives Thomas
                          Coryat, 169; attitude of to­         L
                          wards converts to Christianity,   Ladbrook, Thomas, a prisoner of
                          171                        Amboina, 218
                        Jeronimo de Pavia, a converted   Lancaster, Sir James, early life of,
                          Jesuit, 259                22; accompanies Raymond’s
                        Johnson, Timothy, a prisoner of   expedition to the East, 23;
                          Amboina, 218               visits Penang, 26; visits the
                        Joint English and Dutch Com­  West Indies, 28; returns to
                          mission to consider disputes in   England, 29 ; conducts expedi­
                          the East, 182              tion to Brazil, 29; appointed
                        Joost, John, intercedes for Eng­  Governor and General of tho
                          lish prisoners at Amboina, 221  East India Company, 37 ; con­
                        Jourdain, Captain John, early life   ducts second expedition to the
                          of, 93 ; proceeds overland from   East, 41; arrives at Acheen,
            i             Aden to Mooha, 97; conducts   43 ; raids Portuguese ships, 49 ;
                          an expedition to the Moluccas,   bids farewell to the King of
            !             182; has interview with Jan   Achccn, 51; desperate plight
                          Piotersoon Coon, 183 ; driven  of off tho Cape, 53 j returns to

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