Page 325 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 325
Bombay, by tho Crown, 2G9; Fitzhcrbcrt, Captain, describes
now privileges granted to, by Amboina, 213
Aurungzcbo, 2G9; Gabriel Forbidden fruit, Coco-dc-Mer,
Boughton obtains trading identified as the, by Gordon, 94
privileges in Bengal for the, Fort Rovengo, Poolo Ai, 188
276; privileges granted to tho, Fort St. George built, 2G3 ; Eng-
by Cromwell, 277 ; new charter lish withdraw to, from Bengal,
granted to, at the Restoration, 303
278; makes important changes Fort Victoria, Amboina, dcscrip-
in the Indian administration, tion of, 214
304 ; modo of life of the ser Foster, Mr. William, edits Jour-
vants of the, 310 dain’s Narrative, 93; sugges
Edward Bonavenlure, 20, 23 tion of, as to Bombay, 259
Edwards received by Jehangir, Founder’s Hall, the cradle of the
132 East India Company, 36
Eldred, J., 30 Foxcroft, George, appointed to
Elizabeth’s, Queen, replies to tho charge of the Madras Fac
Spanish protests, 18; grants tory, 278; deposed by Sir
charter to tho East India Com Edward Winter, 280
pany, 37 ; letter to the King of Foxcroft, Nathaniel, disloyal
: Acheen, 45 utterances of, 279; ordered
England and Holland, war be- home, 281
tween, 264, 277 Foxcroft, Samuel, commands the
English and Dutch rivalry in the Merchant Royal, 24
East, 177
English coach presented to Jehan- G
gir, 13G
English mission to tho Groat Garden of Eden, Gordon’s theory
Mogul, 131 as to the, 94 I
English Turkey Company, The, 30 “ Gibraltar of the East,” 92
Englishwomen in India, 314 Goa, Thomas Stevens of New
Evans, William, a candidate for College at, 31; English sent as
a preachcrship on the East prisoners to, 75 ; fleet prepared J
India Company’s fleet, 71 at for use against the English,
110 ; description of, 240 ; In
quisition at, 260; Viceroy of
writes despairingly of the posi
tion of the Portuguese in the
Fakir, Jehangir and the, 161 East, 268 ; Viceroy of declines
Fardo, John, a prisoner of Am to hand Bombay over to the
boina, 218 English, 267
Femcll, Laurenoe, taken prisoner Gombroon,modem Bunder Abbas,
at Mocha, 102 ; fails in attempt 241
to escape, 108; poisoned at Gordon’s, General, theory as to
Mocha, 110 the Garden of Eden, 94
Fenton, Henry, commands ex Gouldinge, preacher, pranks of at
pedition to the East 2.1 Surat, 129
Finch, William, at Surat, 83 Grand Seignor, reference to, 101,
Fiscal of Amboina, do Bruyne, 109, 115
a Dutch, Torquemada. 227 Great Mogul, East India Company
Fitch, Ralph, wanderings of in tho despatches an envoy to the, 65 ;
East, 30, 242 James I*e letter to, 73; Eng-