Page 324 - Early English Adventurers in the Middle East_Neat
P. 324
occupies Jakatra, 203; with Drunkenness, attitude of Jchangir
draws his fleet to India, 204; towards, 143
death of, 205 Dutch and English rivalry in tho
Damaun besieged by Kakarrab East, 177, 257
Khan, 123 Dutch gravoyard at Surat, Van
Darling, Tho, 09, 99, 103, 105, 107, Spoult buried in the, 237
113, 182 Dutch, open a trade with tho
Daud Khan, Nabob of tho Car East, 33; effect of Eastern
natic, attacks Madras, 2S6 operations of the, on prices, 43 ;
Davis, John, of Sundridge, early at Achecn, 44 ; firmly establish
career of, 38; accompanies their power in the Eastern
Lancaster on his second voyage Seas, 180 ; capture tho Swan off
to the East, 38; accompanies Poolo Roon, 192 ; conciudo tho
Sir Edward Micholborno’s ex Treaty of Defence with tho
pedition to tho East, 56 ; killed English, 209; capture Ceylon
by Japanese pirates, 61 and Cochin and Cannanore,
Davis, Master of the Swan, deserts 264; bitterly oppose English
Courthope, 191 occupation of Bombay, 266;
Day, Francis, founds Madras, 263 conclusion of war between tho
De Bruyne, Fiscal of Amboina, English and the, 277
conducts torture of prisoners,
226; censured by Carpentier,
235 E
Dedel, Comelis, prepares to attack Eagle, The, 247
Courthope, 191 Eastern Archipelago, Dutch power
Defence, The, 187, 189 founded in tho, 33 ; the struggle
Discipline on the ships of tho East for ascendancy in the, 178;
India Company, 72 English driven from tho, 239 ;
Don Jeronimo attacks Downton deadly rivalry in the, 240, 256
off Surat, 125 East India Company, formation of
-Downton, Nicholas, appointed to the, 34 ; wide range of the first
command the Darling, 69 ; dis operations of the, 65; com
course of to his men, 71; com manders of the, 66 ; life on tho
mands the Peppercorn, 90; ships of the, 69; preachers on
.left in charge at Aden, 99 ; pro tho ships of the, 71; stem dis
ceeds to Mocha, 100 ; schemes cipline maintained on the ships
•to release Sir Henry Middleton, of the, 72; firman to trade
.105 ; quarrels with Middleton, granted to, by the Mogul Gov
2.06 ; gloomy ratiocinations of, ernment, 122 ; firman to trade
.112 ; arrives off Surat with four granted to, by Jchangir, 174;
ships, 124; is attacked by the first designs of in regard to
Portuguese, 126; wins a not India, 177 ; appeal to the Lord
able victory, 127; is attacked Treasurer for redress against tho
by the Rev. Peter Rogers, 128 ; Dutch, 182 ; issue of pamphlet
dies at Bantam, 129 ; character by, concerning “ The Massacro of
of, 129 Amboina,” 219; Shah Abbas
Drake’s circumnavigation of the grants a firman to for trading in
world, 18; visit to the Spice Persia, 214; contemplates the
Islands, 179 abandonment of its factory at
Drinking, inordinate, amongst the Surat, 263; obtains a site for
East India Company’s servants, a faotory on tho Coromandel
72, 314 Coast, 263 ; transfer to the, of