Page 139 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 139

Part V-Chop. XXVII.            117
               (10)  With regard to tbo duly enforced on us to protect tlioso whom wo disarm, tho
           Governor in Council is neither disposed to admit tho principle nor tho consequences
           deduced from it. Wo have an undoubted right to disarm tho freebooter whose arms are
           always used against us, and we are not bound to oxtend our protection to him even though it
           wore required, which docs not in this caso appear ncccssniy, tho tribes against whom this
           prohibition was directed being tho only ones who practised pir.ioy in tho Gulf of Persia.
              (11)  On the 17th paragraph I am directed to observe that though small vessels might
           be as frequently used for piracy ns large ones, they could uot bo so formidable for our trade,
           or 60 able to rosist our cruizers.
              (12)  On the 18th ami 19th paragraphs tho Governor iu Council has directed mo to
           remark that it is no whore explained that the right of searoh is recognized in tho obligation
           to havo particular papers ; and thut no rostruint can now bo imposed on tbo import of
           timber oousistently with the treaty.

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