Page 209 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 209
Table No. 3 “A”—Imports Into the Port of Bushire from Different Countries during the years
1919-20 and 1920-21, classified nccorJing to Persian Customs—contd. YTzianT.
Article*. Countries.
1919-20. 1920-21. 1919-20. 1920-n.
£ £ Too*. Too*.
S:jsr, loaf and candy • . Germany . . 2,703 33
Unit<l Kingdom 11,424 M
Ksrjr»« 134,556 56,969 2,199 697
Indc-Cluna . 4,335 -ISO 37 6
India . . 6».J28 50.012 603 633
Bclghm . 42,505 350
Jar* 13
Hongtong , 619 6
Metrgotamia 1,379 11
Jap-in . . 1.237 12
Total 191,006 | 172,100 2,751 1.C87
Senr, crystal and soft Cliiaa 120,031 37,831 1,827 410
2,131 8,108 46 25
131,2 50 133,193 l.CCO 1,455
ludi« 130,370 191,321 2.0C2 2,012
Jm 173,037 2,103
Unit-x Kingdoa 119 20 1
Indo-Chiua C08 GS
Bahrein 45 1
iMesojetaznia 5S0 8
Dutch-Indies 21,508 333
Total 405,558 518,013 5,959 6,133
T« Bahrein . 3,229 400 12
India 200,511 161,5-17 727 78
Java 3 SO
Kowvi 500
Alciop;taaia 2L2£2 8S€ 7
Cliica . 3,200 C51 6
Hor-glon^ 4^70
Other Coentrioa 3^98 31 8
Total 212460 188,748 700 813
noi spcd£ed . United Kingdom 12,019 9,168
India . 10,4-18 4476
Gcrmisy . 407
Switzerland 485
Trace* • 82 698
Chin* . • • 153
United States of America 171
Java . . , 682
Other Co entries. . i#n 169
Total 24421 16456
, United Kingdom 142 1
India • 14422 9,424 116 114
Othor Countries. 720 lit 4 1
Total 16442 9479 190 115