Page 213 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 213


            •ble No* 3 ,r A”—Imports Into the Port of Bushire from Different Countries during the year*
                    1919-20 and 1920-21, classified according to Persian Customs—conltU
                                                        Vaick.          Wuont
               Article*.           Countries.
                                                    10:9-20.  192021.  1919-20.  1920-21.
                                                      £       £      Tom.     Tona
                          United Kingdim             13,701                     20
            J.-S Tatm .                                       9.316     24
                          India    .                 63,313   39,189   243      137 *
                          Other countries .           2 9Qy    67C      9        3
                                           Total    13,883   49,381    276      1S9
                          United Kingdom            4?l.3'0
            ,-a ef Cotton                                    426.909   992      830
                          India .                   6:5,374   2l:-,819  1.279   435
                          France                      1/154   1,160     3        2
                          Mesopotamia                6.192    7,768     14      48
                          Italy                      5/79 S   13.001    13      21
                          Other countries            3^82      673      8        2
                                           Total   1.050,7*7  670,530  2,299   1^58
            ut.iof Cotton Embrrid-   India .   .   .          L390
            M nth *rocl.  Un ted Sfatc» of Aiucricc .          30
                          United Kingdom |   .   .    CC8
                                           Total      COS     1,330

                          United Kingdom             1338
            •'M of Cotton and Silk .                          4.319     1        3
                          India    •                 1,438    1.426     2        1
                          Other countries             814      253      1
                                          Total      2£tO    6,033      4        4
           J tfli ard Pluihes of  France .           1,814     73       3
           Cv'.tca.       India .   .                 351    1,983               2
                          United Kingdom             U*si    4,701      1        3
                          Otocr countrios             •404
                                          Total      4^86    6,757      4        5

           iito Shrvh ,   India                      3,611   1^36
           'UaTajoi .     India                        4     1,112               1
                          United Kiogdam             2£29    13/) 39    3        8
                         Italy                          8
                                          Total      2^41    14,151     3        9

             ef Wool     United Kingdosa            2V»6     41,782     11      20
                         United States at AmerUa              880                1
                         India .   •   .             3,87*   6.824      8        *
                         Belgian* .                          1,828               1
                         Italy        »                       186
                         Switzerland                  235       4
                         0;Lar conotriss  9           706    1496
                                          Total     28£l*    *2,700     14      27
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